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Your privacy

Knox City Council is committed to protecting your information privacy. We do this according to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001.

Your personal information

We collect, use and share your personal information and health records in accordance with the:

We collect your personal information to enable us to carry out our statutory functions and provide services, activities and events.

We store your information in secure databases and share it amongst internal work areas (including contractors) to help us provide a more efficient customer experience across Council business.

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless permitted or required by law.

You can find out more about how we collect, use and share your information in our privacy policy and health records policy.

Transborder Data Flows

Council may transfer personal information about an individual to another individual or organisation outside Victoria only where:

  • The individual has provided consent;
  • Disclosure is authorised by law;
  • The recipient of the information is subject to a law, binding scheme or contract with similar principles as the Act; or
  • The transfer is for the benefit of the individual and it is impracticable to obtain their consent before transfer however, it is apparent that they would likely provide consent to consent if it was practicable to obtain.

Council uses cloud-based infrastructure as part of its website and online form tools, which are supplied by third party providers that may be based interstate or overseas (for example Survey Monkey and Wufoo Forms). Accordingly, your personal information may be placed with or transferred or disclosed to service providers in jurisdictions outside of Victoria. Council will only transfer an individual's personal information out of Victoria where the personal information will have protection substantially similar to that provided in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), or alternatively, where the individual consents, or is likely to consent. 

View or change your personal information

Requests for access to and/or amendment of your personal information should be made to Council’s Freedom of Information Officer.

About personal information and health records

Personal information is defined in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 as information or an opinion that is recorded in any form, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from that information or opinion, but not including health information.

Health records mean your health information held by us. This includes information sourced by third parties. Health records include personal information collected to provide, or providing a health service.

Privacy statements

Some of our services have specific policies about the collection and handling of your personal information.  These include:

Knox City Council website

Anonymous access to our site

You can access our home page and browse our website anonymously, without disclosing your personal information.

Our website only collects or records personal information necessary to fulfil our statutory and core activities, and when you choose to provide it (for example, through our contact us page).

Website analytics

Some non-personal information is automatically recorded by our website for statistical and system administration purposes using various web analytics data (such as cookies and web beacons). This is used to analyse, measure, and report on data about website traffic and visits.

This information helps us:

  • understand general user trends
  • measure the performance of our campaigns
  • improve the user experience of our website and our services to you.

Council does not use this information to identify you or match it with any other personal information that we may collect from you.

If you wish to opt out of cookies and web beacons, you can do so by changing the privacy and security settings in your web browser. You will need to customise each web browser you use.

If you opt out, you will still have access to the information and resources provided by this website however it may not function fully and your ability to browse, read, and download information may be impaired.

Website third party providers

Council uses various external applications to conduct online surveys, send newsletters, purchase tickets, book Council services and measure website use. These external providers may also collect your personal information.

To ensure that you are fully informed on how any personal information is being collected it is recommended you read the privacy policy of the third party provider prior to participating. Here are current third party providers used on Council’s website:

  • Google Analytics
  • Hotjar
  • Campaign Monitor
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Wufoo
  • Siteimprove
  • Sticky Tickets
  • TicketSearch
  • ReadSpeaker
  • SmartyGrants
  • EnrolNow
  • My Family Lounge
  • IMS Reserves Manager
  • eTendering Portal
  • GoBookings
  • PageUp careers portal
  • Forms Express
  • TryBooking
  • Eventbrite
  • Google Maps
  • YouTube videos.

Social networking sites

Council uses Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to communicate with the public. To protect your own privacy and the privacy others please do not include any personal information including phone numbers and email addresses. The social networking services will also handle your personal information for its own purposes. These sites have their own privacy policies and we recommend you read these also.

Have Your Say - our community feedback portal

The Knox Have Your Say Privacy and Terms of Use Statement explains how we collect and protect your personal information when you use the Knox Have Your Say site.

PageUp - our recruitment process

Knox City Council uses the PageUp Recruitment portal and the Page Up talent management platform when we employ new staff. 

The following statements apply to the collection and use of your information when you make an application and start work at Knox City Council.

You must acknowledge and agree to these statements before proceeding with your application or accepting your offer of employment at Council. 


Knox City Council (KCC) acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals.

KCC uses the PageUp Recruitment portal and other elements of the PageUp talent management platform for purposes including recruitment and on-boarding. Information submitted on the PageUp platform is hosted on secure data servers in New South Wales where it is subject to equivalent privacy laws as apply to KCC in Victoria.

Applications will be treated in a confidential manner, stored securely and used and disclosed for the primary purposes of identifying and assessing candidates for current and future career opportunities with KCC or directly related secondary purposes.

During the recruitment process for example, information you provide may be disclosed outside Council to service providers engaged by KCC to assist with evaluation of applications, including:

  • reference checks
  • national police record check
  • qualification or prior employment checks
  • other related pre-employment check based on the requirements of the position.

Personal information collected and stored using PageUp will not be otherwise be disclosed without consent, unless permitted or required by law. Requests for access to and/or amendment of personal information can be made to Council’s Chief Privacy Officer.


Knox City Council (KCC) acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals.

KCC uses the PageUp Onboarding portal and other elements of the PageUp talent management platform for purposes including learning, performance development and succession management. Information submitted on the PageUp platform is hosted on secure data servers in New South Wales where it is subject to equivalent privacy laws as apply to KCC in Victoria.

Information provided will form part of your employment records and will be used and disclosed for a variety of human resource administration and management purposes or other directly related secondary purposes. For example, information collected and stored using PageUp may be disclosed to a range of third parties including:

  • government agencies for regulatory purposes (for example, Fair Work Australia)
  • the Australian Tax Office
  • banks and superannuation funds for remuneration purposes
  • authorised union officials for industrial relations purposes
  • third party contractors engaged for a range of other human resource purposes associated with staff on-boarding, learning, and performance management.
Submissions to Land Use Planning Amendments

Council will collect the information in your submission to transparently carry out the Planning Scheme Amendment in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act).

The information you provide (including personal information) will be used by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purposes such as contacting you about the project.

Council must make a copy of all submissions available for any person to inspect free of charge until two months after completion of the amendment process in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.

Submissions will be disclosed in full to Council's consultants (if applicable) who will make recommendations to Council regarding the submissions. Council and the State Government may also:

  • publish submissions on their websites
  • provide copies of submissions, and
  • make publicly available lists of submissions.

Submissions may be disclosed in a report to Council which will by virtue of the Local Government Act 1989, be available to the public for an extended period.

Requests for access to and/or amendment of the personal information should be made to Council’s Governance Department on 9298 8000.

More information

For more advice about how the public sector collects, uses and shares information, see Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Privacy Officer on 9298 8000.

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