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Knox Community Award Nominations

Before you start

Knox Council wants to recognise the significant impact volunteers have in our community and are accepting nominations for the Knox Community Awards. 

Nominations close 5:00 pm Monday 7 April 2025.

For more information, refer to the Award Categories on the Knox Community Awards Program page.

What you will need

  • 10-20 minutes to complete this form. You cannot save progress once you start
  • Your volunteer nominee's phone number and email address
  • A referee's name, phone number and email address
  • Up to 2 documents or images to support your nomination (e.g. photos of the nominee or organisation in action, newspaper articles or testimonials from peers or community members)

Knox Volunteer award category questions:

  1. Describe how the nominee has demonstrated an outstanding volunteer contribution to the Knox community (100-500 words)
  2. Tell us why you think this person should receive a Knox Community Award (100-300 words).

Community organisation of the year questions:

  1. Tell us why you think this organisation/group should receive a Knox Community Award (100-500 words)
  2. Can you provide an example of a project, event, or achievement that the nominee has initiated in the last 12 months that demonstrates a positive impact to the Knox community (up to 300 words).

TIP: We recommend you prepare your answers before starting to check word limits and then copy and paste your responses to the questions.

Privacy statement:

Knox City Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of registering and assessing your nomination for the Knox Community Awards. The information you provide will be used for this purpose or a directly related secondary purpose.

Nominations will be disclosed to the Knox Community Awards Committee for judging, and your name may be disclosed to the nominee and the community. Your personal Information will not be disclosed without your consent or required by law.

Council stores personal information in secure central databases and shares information amongst internal work areas to facilitate the award. You may access the personal information that Council holds about you by contacting Council’s Freedom of Information Officer.

For any further information on collections notice, please read the Council’s Privacy Policy and Guidelines on our website or call us on 9298 8000.

Do you want to nominate a volunteer or organisation?

Eligibility criteria

Is the nominee a volunteer or paid to perform roles?
Is the nominee's group/organisation based in the City of Knox?
Select the category you are nominating for

Nominee's contact details

Provide the nominee's contact details to complete the nomination.

Organisation details

Provide the organisation's contact details to complete the nomination.

Nomination questions

Knox Volunteer of the Year

For a volunteer:

  • Who has made a difference to the Knox community through their volunteer efforts; and
  • Whose service is over and above the contributions of other volunteers.

Outstanding Volunteer Service

The Committee will also consider recognising up to five volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to the Knox community through their volunteer efforts.

You may wish to think about the following when answering these questions:

  • How the nominee has made a positive change through their volunteer work in the Knox community?
  • How the nominee has worked with others ie recruiting new volunteers, building partnerships that benefit the Knox community?
  • How the nominee has promoted inclusiveness through their volunteer work?
  • How the nominee has shown leadership through their volunteer work?
Include relevant roles, dates of service within the organisation. Minimum of 100 words up to 500 words.
Minimum of 100 words up to 300 words.

Knox Community Organisation of the Year

For community organisations, clubs or groups whose service is over and above the contribution of other community organisations in improving the lives of the Knox community. Nominees must be not-for-profit community organisations or groups who have made a significant contribution to the Knox community.

Community groups may be nominated for a specific project or event undertaken in the last 12 months that demonstrates a positive impact to the Knox community.

You may wish to think about the following when answering these questions:

  • How the organisation or group has made a positive impact on the Knox community through its work
  • How the organisation or group has worked with others ie collaborating on projects or events or creating new partnerships that benefit the Knox community
  • How the nominee has promoted inclusivity in the Knox community
  • How the nominee has shown leadership through their work
Minimum 100 words up to 500 words
Maximum of 300 words
Upload up to 2 documents such as photos of the nominee in action, testimonials from peers and community members, or newspaper article about the person you are nominating.
Maximum 2 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, zip.

Referee contact details

We may contact this referee about this nomination.

Your contact details

We may contact you about your nomination.
Have you informed the nominee that you are nominating them for a Knox Community Award?

Please make sure you inform the nominee/committee after your nomination is completed.

How did you hear about the Knox Community Awards? (Check all that apply)
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