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Public Question Time

View our Public Question Time page for information about submitting questions or Council's Governance Rules.

Members of the public can ask up to two (2) questions to be discussed at the end-of-month Council meetings. Multi-part questions will be treated as separate questions.

Questions must be submitted by 12pm on the day of the meeting.

5:23 am Saturday 29 March.

I acknowledge

  • My name (or pseudonym if used), suburb and question will be read out at the Council meeting and captured on the livestream/recording which is published on Council's website
  • My contact details will be made available to Councillors
  • My full address, email address and phone number will not be published
  • My name and question will be included in the Minutes and/or Public Question Time Register and these are published online on Council's website
  • If I attend and speak to my question, my image may be captured on the livestream/ recording in addition to my submission
  • If I attend online and speak to my question, I am responsible for the details that I display when joining online and that these details may be seen in the Council Chamber and on the livestream/recording.

Submitting your question/s

  • Please word your question/s carefully, clearly and succinctly
  • Multi-part questions will be treated as separate questions
  • Statements, comments, or opinions will not be accepted as questions
  • Provided your question/s meet the requirements of Council's Governance Rules, they will be included for consideration at the next end-of-month Council meeting.
  • Providing background information is optional but if provided, it will be circulated to Councillors
  • background information will not be read out at the Council meeting unless you attend to speak to your question
  • Background information will not be published in the minutes of the meeting or public register.
Do you want to ask another question?

Attending the meeting

If you cannot attend the meeting and your question is addressed during the Council meeting, your question will be included in the meeting minutes.

If your question is not addressed at the meeting, a response will be sent to you in writing and your question will also be recorded in the Public Question Register.

Will you be attending the Council meeting?
Select the Council meeting date you will attend
Do you wish to speak to your question?

If time permits during the meeting, you will have up to two (2) minutes to speak to your question or one (1) minute if asking another question.

Contact details

Privacy statement:

Knox City Council (Council) collects personal information to enable Council to perform our statutory functions and provide services, activities and events. Council stores personal information in central databases and shares information amongst internal work areas (including contractors) to facilitate a more efficient customer experience across Council’s business.

Council meetings are livestreamed, and recordings made available on our website.

Please note that when your question is submitted to Council, your name (or pseudonym if used), suburb and question will be read out at the Council meeting and captured on the livestream / recording and included in the Minutes and Public Question Time Register. The Minutes and Public Question Time Register will be published on Councils website. Any introductory statement made may also be captured in the livestream recording. While Council endeavours not to, your image may also be captured on the live stream / recording.

The personal information will not otherwise be disclosed unless permitted or required by law. If the personal information is not collected Council may not be able accept or respond to your question.

Requests for access to and/or amendment of your personal information should be made to Council’s Freedom of Information Officer. For more information, refer to Council’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

We handle any personal information you provide in this form in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. For more information, see our Privacy Policy

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