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Volunteer Years of Service Recognition

Knox Community Awards

Knox Council is now accepting nominations for the Knox Community Awards.

Nominations close 5:00 pm Monday 7 April 2025.

Privacy statement:

Knox City Council is collecting your personal information for the purpose of registering and assessing your nomination for the Knox Community Awards. The information you provide will be used for this purpose or a directly related secondary purpose.

Nominations will be disclosed to the Knox Community Awards Committee for judging, and your name may be disclosed to the nominee and the community. Your personal Information will not be disclosed without your consent or required by law.

Council stores personal information in secure central databases and shares information amongst internal work areas to facilitate the award. You may access the personal information that Council holds about you by contacting Council’s Freedom of Information Officer.

For any further information on collections notice, please read the Council’s Privacy Policy and Guidelines on our website or call us on 9298 8000.

Eligibility criteria

Council will also recognise volunteers who have provided continuous volunteer service to a community organisation that benefits the Knox community.

Local community organisations are invited to recognise their volunteers who have provided services to the Knox community for the following time periods:

  • 10 years of service
  • 15 years of service and
  • 20+ years of service.

The nominee must:

  • Provide volunteer services to the organisation (paid employees will not qualify); and
  • The organisation/group must be based in Knox or provide services that benefit Knox residents.

The nominator must:

  • Be from the community organisation that the nominee volunteers at; and
  • Be a member of the management committee or a paid staff member such as a Manager or CEO; or
  • Inform the Committee of the nomination.
Is the nominee a volunteer or paid to perform roles?
Is the nominee's club or group based in the City of Knox?

Nominee's contact details

Nomination questions

How long has your nominee provided continuous volunteer service to your community organisation for the benefit of the Knox community?
Have you informed the nominee?
Have you informed your committee?

Please make sure you inform the nominee/committee after your nomination is completed.

Your contact details

We may contact you about your nomination.
e.g. Manager, Chairperson, Secretary
A summary of your nomination will be emailed to you.
How did you hear about the Knox Community Awards? (Check all that apply)
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