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Application for a Temporary Permit

Before you start

You need a temporary permit for the following activities:

  • Consume alcohol in a Council reserve
  • Placement of a shipping container on Council land
  • Highway collections.
  • Other activities.

For more information, see our About community laws permits page.

What you will need

  • 5-10 minutes to complete this form. You cannot save progress once you start.
  • Contact details and ABN for business applicants
  • Proposed location/s
  • Proposed start and end date/s
  • Public Liability Insurance certificate (PDF) that shows:
    • at least $20 million coverage, including principal’s indemnity cover
    • name of the insurer and policy holder
    • Policy number and expiry date
    • list "Knox City Council" as an interested party.
  • You may be required to upload a sketch for some permit types.

Applicant details

Applicant type

Contact person

Permit details

Select the type of permit
Is the permit location the same address above?
Provide a sketch of your preferred location on the property and include distances from fence/s and the house.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, pdf.
Do you have current Public Liability Insurance (PLI)?
Please do not upload EXPIRED certificates or certificates due to expire prior to your permit dates.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.


I declare that all information I have provided is correct and accurate at the time of submission.

I understand that...

  • I will receive a request from Council to pay a non-refundable application fee after this application has been received
  • A permit fee will be payable if the permit is approved.

Privacy statement:
Your personal information is collected by Knox City Council to provide Council services, activities, and events. We handle your data in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Australian Privacy Principles. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

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