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Important information coming soon to your letterbox!

Important information about the new food and garden bin service and what you need to do is coming in the mail over the next 3 weeks. Please look out for it.

If you live in an apartment block or retirement village, we will be discussing your particular service requirements directly with your body corporate. You will hear about what you need to do by November this year.

New food and garden bin service

Food makes up 43% of all rubbish that goes to landfill in Knox. Soon you will be able to put food scraps in your green waste bin. Instead of going to landfill your food scraps will be turned into compost and this will reduce harmful greenhouse gases.

New bin delivery

If you don’t currently have a green waste bin, we will be delivering a new food and garden bin to you from 20 April 2023. If you haven’t received a new bin by 4 June, please contact us via our website or phone 9298 8000 and we will arrange for it to be delivered.

Bin lid replacement

If you already have a green waste bin, we will be replacing the current red bin lids. The new lime green lids have information about what can and cannot go into the bin and will be in line with Australian standards. The old red lids will be recycled into new bins.

The bin lid replacements will take place from 1 May 2023. Changing lids across all of Knox will take a little time. Your neighbours may receive their new bin lids before or after you. If we miss you, we’ll leave a postcard with a reminder in your letterbox. If your lid hasn’t been changed by 9 June, please contact us via our website or phone 9298 8000.

We will also be delivering a new kitchen caddy for your food scraps, along with a year’s supply of lime green compostable bin liners, an information pack with tips on how to use the service, a handy sticker for your fridge or caddy with reminders of what can and cannot be added to the food and garden bin and a 2023/24 rubbish and recycling calendar.

Bin collection frequency changes

Once you get your new bin or bin lid with the kitchen caddy and information pack, you can start adding food scraps into the green-lidded bin. Bin collection frequencies will remain unchanged until the end of June. 

From 1 July, the food and garden bin, with all the stinky stuff, will be collected weekly and your household rubbish bin will be collected fortnightly alternating with your recycling bin collection.

Do you already compost?

You might be interested to learn that you can put food scraps that people often don’t like to compost like meat, bones, citrus and dairy in your food and garden bin.

If you already compost all food and garden waste, that is, you do not use the green waste bin or bundled branch/own container service, you may be eligible to opt out of the service. You will need to provide photo evidence and a brief description of your home composting system plus how you process all garden waste.

Evidence can include photos of:

  • your compost bin
  • worm farm
  • a mulcher

If you don’t currently have a green waste bin, please apply to opt-out of the service by Thursday 30 March 2023 so that a new bin isn’t delivered.

To apply, please visit

If your household has additional waste needs

You can apply for an extra 120L rubbish bin at no cost, if your household has:

• two or more children in disposable nappies or,

• person(s) with chronic illness, disability or medical condition with additional waste needs.

To apply, visit


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