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Three-year-old kindergarten is coming to Knox in 2022

The new three-year-old kindergarten program will be led by a degree-qualified teacher and will be in addition to the existing 15-hour a week kindergarten program that we offer for four-year-olds.

Registrations are now open for three and four-year-old kindergarten next year. You can register your child here.

The introduction of funded three-year-old kindergarten is part of the Victorian Government’s kindergarten reform, which is the largest reform of early childhood education in Victoria’s history. This ambitious reform will have a long term impact on children and families in Knox.

The evidence that supports this state reform is profound. A child who has attended two years of a quality kindergarten program will, on average, have better cognitive and social skills when they start school.

“Extended early learning – including plenty of play and socialisation with peers – is a strong foundation for children to learn and grow,” says Catharine Hydon, an early learning specialist who has advised state and local government and provided professional support to Knox’s early childhood educators.

“The presence of a qualified teacher makes a huge difference for children,” Catharine says. “Teachers and parents can design a program to build on children’s natural skills and creativity and identify any learning challenges early – which is the key to later success.”

Benefits of early learning last into the school years and beyond, and kindergarten is even more important for children who need extra support or are in vulnerable circumstances.

In addition to Council-run sessional services, families in Knox are able to access funded kindergarten at independent kindergarten providers and long daycares.

To be included in the first round of offers, register by 30 June for four-year-old, or 31 July for three-year-old. Registrations after these dates will be included in subsequent allocation rounds.

For more information, contact: [email protected].

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