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Moving forward by giving back

The team at Artemis Business Solutions (ABS) sought to make their workplace a little brighter by spreading kindness through charity work.

Established three years ago, Artemis is a print and mail manufacturing business which is dedicated to giving back and extending this ethos through their staff, supplier and customer relationships.

Enduring slower business, the team - led by three professional women - decided to funnel their energy surplus into supporting a number of charities and donating back 20% of the business profits.

“It provided us with a focus, purpose, and drive when the world seemed a little hopeless and the future unsure,” says Wendy Coss, Managing Director of Artemis.

“Last year’s profits allowed us to sponsor a litter of guide dog puppies through Guide Dogs Victoria, and continue support for Autism Spectrum Australia to assist children through home schooling such as by purchasing iPads.

“We’ve found not only does giving back provide us with something outside of work that we can all talk about together, but by continuing to support these charities, they in return have come back to work with us,” says Wendy.

Artemis is now working closely with both charities on some exciting projects and campaigns, and Wendy said the team is keen to support more local causes.

“We look forward to helping out worthy groups in the local area.”

#BeKindKnox #KnoxActsofKindness

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