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Grant recipients announced

‘Neighbours Connecting and Belonging’ and Ferntree Gully Village Traders Association have been announced as the final two grant recipients to tackle local issues that impact on crime and safety in Ferntree Gully.

‘Neighbours Connecting and Belonging’ has received $33,500, while Ferntree Gully Village Traders Association has received $39,972.

A total of $467,000 has been allocated across six community-led projects as part of the Knox Empowering Communities program.

The Knox Empowering Communities projects are funded by the Victorian Government’s Empowering Communities initiative as part of the Building Safer Communities Program.

The ‘Neighbours Connecting and Belonging’ project will be running local neighbourhood gatherings in up to 60 selected residential streets, with the aim of bringing together neighbours and reducing loneliness and isolation. Knowing your neighbours has been linked with improved local safety and wellbeing, as neighbours are more likely to look out for one another, seek help and provide support.

While the Ferntree Gully Village Traders Association will use their allocated funding towards a ‘Safety in Numbers’ project that will see them create monthly markets across eight months. Each market will include interactive activities run by local community groups that encourage engagement and fun.  

We’re incredibly proud to be working with the State Government and look forward to working with our community in enhancing safety in Ferntree Gully for the future of our municipality.

For any questions regarding the project, please contact [email protected] or 9298 8240.

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