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Proposal to sell Council land

We are proposing to sell surplus land 58-60 Station St, Bayswater at full market value. Have your say by 2 December 2024.

Your feedback will help guide Council’s decision on the proposal.

This land was declared surplus by Council in 2019 and has been vacant for 5 years.

We previously invited community feedback on a proposal to sell 58-60 Station St, Bayswater at a subsidised rate of approximately 62% below market value to a community housing organisation.

After reviewing all 31 submissions and the proposal, Council decided at the 9 September Council meeting not to proceed with this proposal. 

We have developed a new proposal to sell this land at full market value and seeking community feedback on it.

The land is approximately 977m2 in size, with 15 mature trees along the fence boundary of Station Street and Pine Road.

Share feedback and view further information at our Have your say website.

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