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Grants for local clubs

Applications for The Leisure Minor Capital Works Grant Scheme (LMCWGS) are now open and will close on Friday 15 March 2025. 

The LMCWGS provides funding of up to $10,000 to local leisure and sporting organisations who are looking to upgrade facilities on land owned or managed by Council.

This is a fantastic opportunity for clubs and organisations to finally get around to completing the works they’ve put off - or haven’t had the funding to do themselves. 

The funding ratio for the LMCWGS is 50:50. This means that Council will be able to fund 50% of your project, up to $10,000. 

We encourage all clubs and organisations to apply. 

For more information and eligibility criteria, please visit Leisure Minor Capital Works Grant Scheme

To discuss your project and any questions, please contact Leisure Contracts and Project Officer, Rhonda Snijders at [email protected]

We look forward to receiving your applications! 

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