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Healthy holiday habits

While the summer holidays are typically a time to celebrate with family and friends, we have put together our four top tips to keep in mind, as we wind down and enjoy some much-deserved rest.  

Keep hydrated with water   

While this one may seem like a no-brainer, water at holiday functions, on holiday, or even during our typical day-to-day routines can often become forgotten amongst the holiday blur. To ensure we remain hydrated, even more so when consuming alcohol, remember to drink water throughout the day - and between drinks.  

Practice moderation  

No doubt we all look forward to holiday eating and drinking (no one says no to Christmas pudding!), so, without feeling restricted and limited, practice moderation. Enjoy and savour your drinks by sipping slowly and ensure your plate is still filled with good, healthy nutrients to support your overall wellbeing that will leave you feeling better in the long run.  

Set realistic goals 

Holiday goals – often something people set as we enter the new year. While new year goals are by no means a negative, remember to remain realistic. An all-or-nothing approach tends to leave us disappointed or filled with anxious thoughts when they become too much pressure to achieve. Be honest with yourself and instead set small, achievable, daily goals. Celebrate your small wins – these become the most impactful.  

Focus on family and friends  

It’s important we come back to the primary reason we’re gathering in the first place – to celebrate with those we love. Keep your focus on spending quality time with your family and friends, creating memories, being present and catching up with those around us.  

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