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Line up for line dancing

In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), come along to a free line dancing event on Friday 14 June, between 10:30am to 12:30pm at the Rowville Community Leisure Centre.

Join us for some line dancing, a light morning tea and hear from some guest speakers to get you thinking about healthy ageing and relevant supports available. For those that would like to be a part of this event but dancing isn’t for you, please join our hat bedazzling activity.

Knox City Council is committed to increasing community respect and inclusion for all ages across Knox and is a member of the EveryAGE Counts Coalition, a formal alliance of organisations and individuals who have agreed to tackle ageism against older Australians.

This WEAAD event will be a community gathering focused on education, advocacy, and support for older adults and is coordinated by Knox City Council with Eastern Community Legal Centre, Eastern Health and Orange Door information stalls.

When: Friday 14 June
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Rowville Community Leisure Centre, 40 Fulham Road, Rowville
Cost: Free.

For further information: call 9298 8828 or email [email protected].

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