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Mayor, councillors and wards

Knox City Council residents elect 9 councillors to govern the wards in Knox, including the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Below are details for the council elected for 2020 until 2024.

About councillors

Councillors work together to set and guide strategic direction and decisions for the Knox community. They work closely with the Chief Executive Officer and Council administration to do this.

Every decision councillors make is guided by the needs of the people of Knox.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by the councillors every year.

Knox wards

The City of Knox has 9 wards. One councillor is elected to represent each ward, every 4 years.

Baird ward – Cr Yvonne Allred

headshot of Councillor Yvonne Allred

Cr Yvonne Allred is elected to represent Baird Ward.

Contact details

Cr Allred can be contacted via:

Chandler ward – Cr Jude Dwight - current Mayor

Headshot of Councillor Jude Dwight

Cr Jude Dwight is elected to represent Chandler Ward.

Contact details

Cr Dwight can be contacted via:

Collier ward – Cr Marcia Timmers-Leitch

Cr Marcia Timmers-Leitch is elected to represent Collier Ward.

Contact details

Cr Timmers-Leitch can be contacted via:

Dinsdale ward – Cr Sorina Grasso - current Deputy Mayor

headshot of Councillor Sorina Grasso

Cr Sorina Grasso is elected to represent Dinsdale Ward.

Contact details

Cr Grasso can be contacted via:

Dobson ward – Cr Meagan Baker

meagan baker councillor dobson ward

Cr Meagan Baker is elected to represent Dobson Ward.

Contact details

Cr Baker can be contacted via:

Friberg ward – Cr Susan Laukens

photo of Cr Susan Laukens

Cr Susan Laukens has been elected to represent Friberg Ward.

Contact details

Cr Laukens can be contacted via:

Scott ward – Cr Lisa Cooper

Headshot of Cr Lisa Cooper

Cr Lisa Cooper is elected to represent Scott Ward.

Contact details

Cr Cooper can be contacted via:

Taylor ward – Cr Darren Pearce

headshot of Councillor Darren Pearce

Cr Darren Pearce is elected to represent Taylor Ward.

Contact details

Cr Pearce can be contacted via:

Tirhatuan ward – Cr Nicole Seymour

headshot of Councillor Nicole Seymour

Cr Nicole Seymour was elected to represent Tirhatuan ward.

Contact details

Cr Seymour can be contacted via:

How to find your Council ward

To find your council ward, visit the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) website.

View VEC ward map

Or you can download the Knox ward map.

Councillor policies

The Mayor and councillors must abide by the:

  • Councillor Code of Conduct
  • Councillor Expenses and Support Policy

View councillor policies

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Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

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