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Excellence Grants for Individuals

Excellence Grants for Individuals provide financial assistance to Knox residents who are selected to represent Victoria or Australia in an elite competition or performance.

About the grant

The grants aim to support local residents to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

It applies to residents who compete or perform at a state, national or international level in the following areas:

  • sports and recreation
  • education
  • arts and culture
  • environmental and/or humanitarian initiatives.

The grant recognises that individuals and their families often have to make many social and economic sacrifices. It is designed to help with the cost of things like:

  • travel
  • accommodation
  • uniform or equipment purchase or hire.

This grant has replaced our Individual Sporting Grant.

View Excellence Grants for Individuals Procedure [PDF]

Grant limits

The following maximum grants apply to competitions or events held:

  • in Victoria – $150
  • outside Victoria but in Australia – $250
  • internationally – $400.

Eligibility criteria

To apply for a grant, you must:

  • be a resident of Knox
  • be selected or personally invited to take part in a competition or event by a national or state peak body or governing organisation of the specialised area
  • not have received an Excellence Grant for Individuals in the current or previous financial year.

You will not be eligible to receive funding under this grant if:

  • the competition or event has already taken place
  • we have given you a grant under another program for the same competition or event
  • you have outstanding acquittal documentation from a previous Council grant
  • more than two other people from the same club or organisation have already received funding for the competition or event
  • you are being paid to take part (excluding prize money)
  • you intend to use the funds for membership expenses
  • the competition or event exposes Council to criticism due to controversial issues (for example, political or cultural sensitivities).

Applicants under 18 years

If you are under 18 years of age, your application must be supported by your parent or guardian. The grant funding will be paid directly to your parent or guardian.

How to apply

Applications must be completed online.

Your application must include a letter or other official documentation from the relevant peak body or governing organisation to confirm that:

  • the competition or event is of state, national or international standard, and
  • you have been selected or personally invited to take part in the competition or event.

You must also provide a letter detailing proof of costs to be incurred, for example:

  • airfare
  • accommodation
  • entrance fees.

We aim to acknowledge your grant application within 5 business days after receiving a complete application.

Apply for Excellence Grants for Individuals

Closing date

There is no closing date for applications. It is best that you apply at least two months before the competition or event. This gives us time to assess your application and pay grant funds.

Assessment process

All Council officers involved in the grant assessment process must declare any conflict of interest before assessing any grant applications.

Applications will be assessed by officers in the order in which they are submitted.

Acquittal requirements

After you have received a grant, you must provide proof that you have spent the money in line with the grant conditions.

We must receive this proof within:

  • three months of you spending the money, or
  • 12 months from receipt of the grant,

whichever is the earlier.

The acquittal must be submitted via the Smarty Grants portal. Failure to do this may result in you having to pay the money back to Council.

Reciprocal obligations

Grant recipients may be asked to help with fundraising and promotion of the grants program.

We may also ask you to provide an image and short statement about your experience at the competition or event that we can use to promote the program.

Your personal information will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy.

Need help?

Contact us and we will come back to you.

We aim respond to enquiries about Council grants within 3 business days.

Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

Our Council


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