About the Act
You have the right to access documents held by Council. This is subject to some exemptions.
The Act also lets you request Council amend any incorrect or misleading information held about you.
View the Freedom of Information Act 1982
Find out about the publication of certain documents - Part II Statement
Under the Act, a document can be:
- a file
- a note
- a photograph
- a map
- a Post-It note
- a phone record
- anything with information on it or in it.
If documents include personal information about you, you can request all related records. This is regardless of the age of those documents.
Note that some documents are only accessible if dated or created on or after 1 January 1989.
Documents not covered by the Act
Many documents are available outside the conditions of the Act.
We recommend speaking to us here at Council before making an official request.
Note that any records that you can get for a fee or as part of a public register are not available under the Act.
If you need documents for a court hearing, speak to your legal adviser. There are other ways you can get access to that information.
Refused access
The FOI Act does allow us to refuse access to certain documents.
We can:
- refuse to give you access to the whole document
- give you access to the document with all the privileged information removed.
If this happens we must inform the Victorian Information Commissioner why we cannot complete your request.
Need help?
Contact us and we will get back to you.
Or call our Freedom of Information Officer on 9298 8000.