Aims of the policy
The purpose of the policy is to:
- ensure the effective, appropriate and lawful use of visual surveillance devices
- guide the selection and management of visual surveillance devices and systems
- guide the use and management of data
- ensure appropriate audit, monitoring, evaluation, reporting systems and complaint handling processes.
View the Visual Surveillance Devices Policy
Who the policy applies to
The Policy covers:
- devices owned or managed by Council
- tenants or leaseholders who want to install surveillance devices on or in Council facilities.
The policy does not apply to surveillance devices operated by residents or businesses on private property.
About surveillance device use
Visual surveillance devices are used within the community and by Council to:
- support crime prevention and reduction strategies in specific locations
- improve actual and perceived security for staff and users of our facilities
- discourage damage and vandalism of our assets
- detect and manage any illegal activities occurring on our facilities and land. For example, illegal rubbish dumping or graffiti.
- support the enforcement of local laws and other legislation
- monitor the use of Council land and assets. For example, a count of users on walking or bike paths
- help with traffic planning and road management. For example, traffic counts on local roads
- improve our biodiversity activities. For example, wildlife monitoring and pest animal control in local bushland and parks.
Apply to install surveillance services on Council land
Clubs or organisations who wish to install devices on or in Council facilities need to apply for consent.
For further information or to apply to install a visual surveillance device, email [email protected] or call our Health and Safe Communities team on 9298 8000.
Need help?
Contact us and we will come back to you.
Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.