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Knox community demographics

There are lots of interesting facts and statistics about the Knox community.

Our demographics

The City of Knox has (as at 2021 census):

  • 160,500 total residents
  • 52, 600 were born overseas
  • 27% of residents are born overseas and English is their second language
  • 15,900 families with children under 15 years of age
  • 27,100 children under 15 years of age
  • 31% of residents aged 55 years and over
  • 28,400 residents at post-retirement age (65 years and over)
  • 32% of employed residents who live and work in Knox (REMPLAN, as adjusted)
  • 114 square kilometres of area
  • 14.63 persons per hectare

Where we are

The City of Knox is located in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

It is 20 – 25 km south-east of the Melbourne CBD.

Detailed demographic data

There is more detail available about our community demographics. It comes from a profile produced by the spatial and demographic consultants .id, and includes Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census statistics and data.

You can learn more about these demographics below.

Community profile

You can view the population characteristics for Knox and its suburbs.

ABS Census of Population and Housing data (from 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021) is the base for this data.

Social atlas

There are maps showing data from the 2016 Census. It's mapped to the smallest geographic unit available (an average of 400 people).

Population forecasts

Learn about our changing population, age structure and household trends from now to 2041.

Housing monitor

Get data on housing supply, demand and affordability across Knox and its suburbs.

Knox economy

Get a snapshot of Knox economic data from the REMPLAN and .id websites including:

  • workforce characteristics
  • industry contributions
  • local economy trends.

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Research and Geospatial Analytics team on 9298 8000.

For more information on our economic profile, contact Economic Development on 9298 8000.

Our Council


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