About TGC
The Transformation Governance Committee (TGC) provides independent evaluation and oversight of initiatives within the Customer and Performance Directorate, ensuring their effectiveness, value, and strategic alignment. The Committee operates as an Advisory Committee and plays a crucial role in guiding decision-making processes related to:
- Technology, systems, and application projects
- Cybersecurity projects
- Customer experience projects
- Digital initiatives (e.g., website projects)
- Data projects
- Service planning and reviews
- Governance, risk, and compliance framework updates
Committee objectives
The Committee's objectives are to:
- Provide advice, guidance, and recommendations on strategic investment priorities within the Customer and Performance Portfolio
- Monitor and oversee the implementation of portfolio initiatives
- Support and uphold the principles of the Portfolio Governance Framework
- Strengthen Councillors’ knowledge through independent external member support and immersion sessions.
Committee membership
TGC is made up of 6 representatives, including:
- The Mayor
- Two Councillors
- Three Independent External Members
Current Committee Councillors
The current Councillors are:
- Mayor Lisa Cooper
- Cr Chris Duncan
- Cr Paige Kennett
External Independent Member requirements
To nominate for the TGC, you must meet the following requirements:
- Experience in complex environments or advisory committees
- Relevant professional qualifications (e.g., IT/Specialist area, postgraduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), Master Business Administration)
- Familiarity with local government is an advantage
- Over 18 years old
- Expertise in key domains including Technology, Cybersecurity, Digital platforms, Data, and Customer Experience, Service Planning, Governance, Risk, and Compliance
The term for independent members is two years. Applications for the TGC are currently closed and will reopen for applications at the end of 2025.
The Committee meets every quarter.
It operates alongside these Terms of Reference and the Council Committee Policy.
Need help?
For more information or to express your interest, contact our Strategy and Transformation team:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9298 8000