Not sure if you can recycle, donate or dispose an item? Explore our regularly updated A-Z Waste guide below or download our Quick reference A-Z Waste Guide [PDF 290 kb].
For more information on disposing of rubbish and recycling in Knox, download our Knox rubbish and recycling guide [PDF 113 kb].
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email [email protected] and we'll add it to the list.
Aerosol cans (empty)
- Put in your recycling bin
Aerosol cans (not empty)
- Dispose of via detox your home
Air conditioning unit
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Aluminum foil
- Roll into a ball the size of a tennis ball and put in your recycling bin
Ammonia based cleaners
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Put in a bag in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Dispose of via detox your home
Animal droppings
- Put in a compostable bag in your rubbish bin
- Add to your compost bin or worm farm
Asbestos - NOT accepted in any household bin
- Do not cut or break!
- Visit or contact the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) on 1300 372 842 for the correct and safest way to dispose of asbestos.
Ash from fire-place
- Wood only - no nails, metal or hot coals
- Put in your food and garden bin or general rubbish bin
Baby wipes
- Put in your rubbish bin
Baking paper
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Ceramic bath or wrought iron bath - Book a hard rubbish collection or take to the Transfer Station
- Fibreglass bath - take to the Transfer Station
- AA, AAA, C, D and 9V batteries are accepted at free collection points at Aldi, Coles, IGA, Woolworths, Bunnings, Mitre 10, Battery World and IKEA stores.
- Bunnings and Battery World also accepts 6V, power tool and button batteries
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Make sure you place plastic tape over both ends of battery to prevent fires.
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Bean bag beans (polystyrene)
- Take in a clear plastic bag to Foamex in Bayswater North for free recycling
- Make sure beans are contained in a plastic bag or similar
- Dispose of in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Berry punnets
- Put in your recycling bin
Bikes, scooters and skateboards
- Donate to Brainwave Bikes or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Biodegradable bags, cups and cutlery
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
Blankets, doonas and bedding
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Blinds (up to 1.5m length)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Bones (raw or cooked)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Put in your recycling bin
Bottles and tops (plastic and metal)
- Put in your recycling bin
Boxes (cardboard)
- Put in your recycling bin
- Take to the Transfer Station
Brake fluid
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Put in your food and garden bin - no bigger than 30cm length and 10cm diameter
- Use the bundled branch collection service
- Put in your food and garden bin
Bricks, rubber and concrete
- Take to the Transfer Station
Broken drinking glass
- Wrap in paper and put in your rubbish bin
Building materials
- Do an internet search or take to the Transfer Station
Bubble wrap
- Put in your rubbish bin
Butane (disposable) gas cannisters
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Take to the Transfer Station
Camping (disposable) gas cannisters
- Dispose of via detox your home
Car batteries
- Take to the Transfer Station
Cardboard (regular)
- Put in your recycling bin
- Take to the Transfer Station
Cardboard (wax coated)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Car parts (metal)
- Do an internet search
- Take small pieces (no engines) to the Transfer Station
Car wax
- Dispose of via detox your home
Carpet and carpet underlay
- Do an internet search
- Book a hard rubbish collection (limit of 2 rolls up to 1.5m each)
- Take to the Transfer Station
CDs, DVDs and VHS videos
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Do an internet search
- Take to the Transfer Station
Ceramics (broken)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Ceramics (intact)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
Chemicals (household)
- Do an internet search or dispose of via detox your home
Chicken (raw/cooked)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Christmas tree (living)
- Cut up the tree and put in your food and garden bin - no bigger than 30cm length and 10cm diameter
- Cut up the tree for our bundled branch service - up to 1.5m length or 30cm diameter for all bundles
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Contact Customer Service
Christmas tree (artificial)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Cigarette butts (cold/unused)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
Cling film
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin
Coals (Cold/Unused)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Coals (Warm/Hot)
- Not to go in any bin until they have been extinguished with water.
Coat hangers (wire or plastic)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Coffee filter paper
- Put in your food and garden bin
Coffee grounds (loose)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Coffee pods (compostable/plastic)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Compostable bags
- Only use lime green AS4736 certified compostable bags in your food and garden bin
Compostable containers, cups and packaging
- Put in your rubbish bin
Computers and monitors
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection or take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Do an internet search
Cooking oil
- Do an internet search
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Remove any metal and put in your food and garden bin
Corrugated iron and metal
- Book a hard rubbish collection - up to 1.5m length
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
Crockery and glasses
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin or book a hard rubbish collection
Cubby house (plastic)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Cubby house (timber)
- Take to the Transfer Station
Cups and saucers (broken)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Curtain rods, tracks and brackets
- Book a hard rubbish collection - up to 1.5m length
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
Cutlery (metal)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
Cutlery (wooden single use, natural with no paint or treatments)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Dairy products
- Take out of container or wrapping and put in your food and garden bin
Dead animals (bagged)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Deli meats (cooked/raw)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Detergent bottles
- Put in your recycling bin
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
- Dispose of via detox your home
Disposable nappies (bagged)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Disposable wooden cutlery (single use, natural with no paint or treatments)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Dog poo or cat poo (bagged)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection - limit of 2 doors per collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Dryer or washing machine
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
DVD, CD and VCR players
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Egg cartons
- Dirty egg cartons with food spoilage can be put in your food and garden bin. No other boxes except oily pizza boxes, and no more than 3% of your entire bin's contents.
- Clean egg cartons can be put in your recycling bin
Eggs and eggshells
- Put in your food and garden bin
Electrical appliances (e-waste)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
Engine oil (30L or less)
- Take to the Transfer Station
Fencing or lattice
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Dispose of via detox your home
Filing cabinet (metal or timber)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Fish or fish and chips
- Put in your food and garden bin - including the greasy paper/box
Fluorescent tubes or globes
- Do an internet search
Floor care products and waxes
- Dispose of via detox your home
Foam boxes and trays
- Put in your rubbish bin
Food cans (empty)
- Put in your recycling bin
Food waste or scraps
- Put in your food and garden bin
Fridges and freezers
- Book a hard rubbish collection - remove the doors before putting out for collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Fried food
- Put in your food and garden bin
Fuel (petrol, diesel, kerosene or other)
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection - maximum 1.5m length
- Take to the Transfer Station
Garden tools
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Garden waste
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Put in your bundled branch collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Put in your food and garden bin
Gas bottles and cylinders
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to the Transfer Station
Glass sheets
- Wrap and label "glass"
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Glues (water and solvent based)
- Dispose of via detox your home
Golf balls
- Find bin locations
- Rowville Lakes – Corner Police & Stud Road, Rowville
- Callaway Golf - Head Office – 18 Corporate Avenue, Rowville
- Put in your food and garden bin
Hair (pet or human)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Heater (oil)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Heater (electric or gas)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Herbicides and weed killers
- Dispose of via detox your home
Herbs and spices (raw/dried)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Hot water unit
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Household chemicals
- Dispose of via detox your home
Incontinence pads (disposable)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Insect spray or pesticides
- Dispose of via detox your home
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Ironing board
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Iron and scrap metal
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Kitty litter
- Bag and put in your rubbish bin
Kitchen caddy (broken or not needed)
- Make sure your Knox kitchen caddy is empty and clean and put in your recycling bin
Ladder (timber or metal)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Laundry sink (metal/plastic)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Lawn mower
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Light globes (LED, halogen or incandescent)
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Do an internet search
Light fittings
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Logs/branches (no tree stumps)
- No larger than 10cm in diameter and under 1.5m length (Whole bundle needs to be no more than 30cm in diameter.) - Put out for your bundled branch collection
- 1m long and under 30cm in diameter - Put in your food and garden bin
Margarine tubs
- Put in your recycling bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Mattresses and bases
- Book a hard rubbish collection - limit of 2 per booking
- Take to the Transfer Station
Meat or fish scraps
- Put in your food and garden bin
Meat trays (foam)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Meat tray (plastic)
- Put in your recycling bin
Medicine (old/expired)
- Take to your local pharmacy/chemist
Medicine blister packets (empty)
- Find a location to recycle
- Put in your rubbish bin
Medicine bottles (empty)
- Put in your recycling bin
Metal sheets
- Book a hard rubbish collection - up to 1.5m length
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection - Wrap and label as "glass"
Mobile phones
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Take to Officeworks at Bayswater or Ferntree Gully
- Recycle your mobile with MobileMuster via post or a drop off location
- Take to some mobile phone stores and some supermarkets
- Collect a free recycling pouch from our Customer Service counter
Mouldy food
- Put in your food and garden bin
Napkins (clean or dirty)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Nappies (disposable)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Nails and screws
- Put in your rubbish bin
Nail polish and remover
- Dispose of via detox your home
Newspapers (clean)
- Put in your recycling bin
Newspapers (food stained)
- Put in your food and garden bin or your rubbish bin
Newspapers (used for paint or chemicals)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
Oil (motor oil up to 30L)
- Take to the Transfer Station
Oil (cooking)
- Dispose of via detox your home
Oil (solid eg copha or ghee)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
Oyster shells
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Paintback drop-off location
- Take to the Transfer Station
Paint stripper, thinner, turps or metholated spirits
- Dispose of via detox your home
Paint tins or drums (dry and empty)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to the Transfer Station
Paper straws
- Put in your food and garden bin
Paper towel (clean or dirty)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Pasta (cooked or raw)
- Put in your food and garden bin
Pet food (dry or wet)
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
Pet food tins (empty and rinsed)
- Put in your recycling bin
Pet litter
- Put in your rubbish bin
Pharmaceuticals and medicines
- Take to your local pharmacy
Picture frames
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Pizza boxes
- Dirty/oily pizza boxes with food spoilage can be put in your food and garden bin. No other boxes except dirty egg cartons, and no more than 3% of your entire bin's contents.
- Clean pizza boxes can be broken down and put into your recycling bin
- Take to the Transfer Station
Plastic bags
- Put in your rubbish bin
Plastic containers (large)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Plastic pots and plant tags (clean)
- Do an internet search for "where to recycle PP5 plastic waste"
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Contact Customer Service
- Put in your rubbish bin
Plastic strapping and film
- Put in your rubbish bin
Plastic wrappers
- Put in your rubbish bin
Plate glass (wrapped)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Polystyrene (large pieces)
- Take to Foamex in Bayswater North for free recycling
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Contact Customer Service
- Put in your rubbish bin
Pool chemicals
- Dispose of via detox your home
Pool pump
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Pots and pans
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your recycling bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Potting mix
- Only purely organic and does not contain vermiculite can be put in your food and garden bin
- Put in your rubbish bin (max 10kg)
Prams and pushers
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Printer cartridges or toner
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
PVC or plastic pipe
- Put in your rubbish bin
Pyrex ovenware (broken)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Pyrex ovenware (whole)
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Put in your rubbish bin
Rat poison
- Dispose of via detox your home
Rice (cooked or raw)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Put in your rubbish bin
Scrap metal
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Put in your food and garden bin
Shellfish (soft - not oyster shells)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Shower screens
- Book a hard rubbish collection - no more than 1 shower and must wrap and label as "glass"
- Take to the Transfer Station
Shredded paper
- Put in an envelope in your recycling bin - don't over-stuff the envelope
- Put in your food and garden bin - no more than 3% of your entire bin contents
- Put in your rubbish bin
Silicon bakeware
- Put in your rubbish bin
Smoke alarms
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
Spa bath (including parts such as fittings, pipes and frames)
- Take to the Transfer Station
Sporting equipment
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Do an internet search
Sporting goods
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Do an internet search
Spreads (Vegemite, peanut butter, jam etc)
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
Steel cans and tins (empty)
- Put in your recycling bin
Steel (not including cans or tins)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Straw or hay (clean)
- Must be clean straw or haw - no pet poo
- Put in your food and garden bin
Straws (paper)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Take to Foamex in Bayswater North for free recycling
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Contact Customer Service
Takeaway food containers
- Put in your recycling bin
Takeaway coffee cups (including lids)
- Put in your rubbish bin
Tea bags
- Put in your rubbish bin
Tea leaves (loose)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Tetra packs
- Put in your recycling bin
Textiles or linen
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Tiles (ceramic, roof)
- Take to the Transfer Station
Timber (including tree stumps)
- Book a hard rubbish collection - maximum 10 pieces up to 1.5m length and 30kg weight
- Take to the Transfer Station
Timber (treated)
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Tinned food (including pet food)
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin
- Tin/can can be put in your recycling bin
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Tissues with make-up or nail polish can be put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
- Book a hard rubbish collection - limit of 1 toilet per booking
- Take to the Transfer Station
Tools including power tools
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Donate to a local op-shop or resell
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
- Contact Customer Service
Trampoline (dismantled)
- Book a hard rubbish collection
Transmission fluid
- Dispose of via detox your home
Tree prunings
- Put in your food and garden bin - must be no bigger than 30cm length and 10cm diameter
- Put in your bundled branch collection - up to 1.5m length, 30cm diameter (for the entire bundle) and up to 30kg weight
- Take to the Transfer Station
Tree stumps
- Max length 1.5m length and 30kg weight
- Book a hard rubbish collection - do not put in your food and garden bin or bundled branch collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Vacuum cleaner
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Vacuum cleaner dust
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Don't put in your rubbish bin as they contain batteries
- Follow Planet Ark instructions
Vinyl flooring
- Book a hard rubbish collection - maximum of 2 rolls per booking
- Take to the Transfer Station
Washing machines
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Waxed cardboard
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Put in your food and garden bin or your bundled branch collection if pesticide free.
- Put in your rubbish bin if they have been treated with pesticides
Weeds (noxious)
- Put in your food and garden bin or your bundled branch collection
- Put in your rubbish bin if they have been treated with pesticides
Wet wipes
- Put in your rubbish bin
- Book a hard rubbish collection - you must remove fridge or freezer doors before putting out for collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Do an internet search
Window frames (metal)
- Must be securely wrapped and labelled as "glass"
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Window frames (timber)
- Take to the Transfer Station - must be securely wrapped and labelled "glass"
Window glass
- Must be securely wrapped and labelled as "glass"
- Book a hard rubbish collection
- Take to the Transfer Station
Wood / branches (untreated and logs only - no tree stumps)
- Put in your food and garden bin - no larger than 30cm length and 10cm diameter
- Put out for your bundled branch collection - up to 1.5m length, 30cm diameter and up to 30kg weight
- Book a hard rubbish collection - maximum 10 pieces up to 1.5m length and 30kg weight
- Take to the Transfer Station
Wood preservatives and finishes (oils and varnishes)
- Dispose of via detox your home
Wooden cutlery (single use, natural with no paint or treatments)
- Put in your food and garden bin
- Take to the Transfer Station
- Take to a Planet Ark drop off point
- Do an internet search
Yoga mats
- Learn where to send your pre-loved yoga mats for recycling
- Remove packaging and put in your food and garden bin