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Short term support service

Council’s Short Term Support team helps to connect community members in Knox with the services they need.

The team can work with Council services and external service providers to help you access a range of support with issues such as:

  • isolation or loneliness
  • financial hardship
  • emotional or mental health support
  • practical needs
  • ageing
  • illness
  • family relationships, and
  • other issues.

You can contact the team with a one-off request for information or to seek further support to find the right services. Examples of requests include:

  • helping households find practical and emotional support when faced with hardship
  • linking people with help who are feeling socially isolated or lonely
  • connecting people with services for situations of difficult family dynamics, conflict or mistreatment
  • assisting residents wishing to declutter their homes from unsafe and overwhelming belongings.

This is a free service.

Who can apply

Referrals or direct requests can come from:

  • individuals or their families
  • emergency relief agencies
  • hospitals and health care providers
  • housing organisations
  • law enforcement.

Get support

Our service is available to any Knox resident and we can organise an interpreter if needed.

Submit a referral

Call the team on 9298 8874 during business hours or email [email protected].

Alternatively, call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

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