Planning controls
Council has many planning controls on land that protect trees and vegetation.
You can be fined if you breach these planning controls.
Find out what planning controls apply to your land by doing a property and parcel search on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website.
Previous development
Trees and plants on land with previous development are protected through the plans that were approved at the time. For example:
- dual occupancy development
- multi-unit development
This includes landscape plans.
In this case, Council must give you written approval or you'll need to amend the plans.
Contact our Planning Services team before you start.
Apply for a permit
Planning Services need specific information to decide if you need a planning permit.
You'll need to tell them the:
- type of tree
- height of the tree
- health of the vegetation.
Use our checklist to see what other information we may need.
To lodge a planning application online, you must be a registered user
Apply for a tree removal or pruning permit
Planning permit applications can also be lodged at the Council offices.
Knox City Council
511 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South VIC 3152
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm
Bushfire prevention
If you own property in high-risk areas, you'll probably need to prepare a bushfire management plan.
This might mean thinking about removing trees or native vegetation.
If you're in this position, our Planning Services team can help.
Need help?
Contact Planning Services and we will get back to you.
Or call our Planning Services team on 9298 8125.