The material from your blue-lid recycling bin is collected by a contractor and delivered to our recycling processor, 'Re.Group' in Dandenong.
The material is sorted and processed at a material recovery facility, where recycling is separated into material types:
- paper
- cardboard
- plastic
- aluminium
- other metals and glass.
The materials are also graded based on quality.
Millions of tonnes of valuable materials are recovered. These are then purchased by manufacturers who turn them into new products.
Household rubbish
When the waste from your household rubbish bin is collected by our waste collection trucks, it is delivered to either:
- Lysterfield Transfer Station (Cleanaway), or
- South East Melbourne Transfer Station in Dandenong South (Cleanaway).
From these sites, waste is transported in large haul vehicles to the Melbourne Regional Landfill (Cleanaway) in Ravenhall.
Here, it is buried in the ground in landfill cells. We try to reduce waste where possible before it gets landfilled. Council is also working with other Councils in our region to explore alternative waste processing.
Food and garden waste
The food and garden waste collected in your green-lid bin is delivered to Biogro, in Dandenong South. Biogro is an organic processing facility that makes compost and garden products.
Need help?
Contact us and we will come back to you.
Or call our Customer Services team on 9298 8000.