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Counselling and emergency relief

Knox residents needing to access counselling and welfare services have a range of available options in the local community.

Support through Council

Knox City Council provides funding to the following organisations:

Counselling and emergency relief

  • EACH - general and financial counselling services for Knox residents.
  • Knox Infolink in Boronia - material aid and information for families and individuals experiencing hardship.

Youth Services

Knox Youth Services provides information, referral, support and programs for young people aged 10 - 25 years who live, work, study or play in the City of Knox. Services include:

Homelessness and housing support

Council provides services and information for people who are experiencing homelessness or need housing support.

Knox Emergency Relief Network

The Knox Emergency Relief Network is a network of organisations providing emergency relief and material aid to Knox residents in financial crisis. Material aid includes:

  • food vouchers
  • food parcels
  • community meals.

Additional counselling and welfare relief services

These organisations provide emergency relief and welfare services to Knox residents:

Youth counselling
headspace - National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Provides early intervention mental health services, promoting young peoples’ wellbeing.

Information and services for young people (12 – 25), their families and friends.

9801 6088 (Knox)

online chat

Kids Helpline

A free confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Information for parents, carers, schools and teachers.

1800 551 800

Child FIRST Family ServicesAn easily accessible, community-based point of entry for children, young people and families needing support.1300 369 146
Gambler’s Help Youthline

If your betting is getting out of control or if you're worried about someone else, it can be really hard to talk about.

But help is available and it's free and confidential.

1800 262 376

Financial counselling
EACHInformation, options and advocacy to help develop skills, knowledge and confidence to take control of own financial situation.

1300 003 224

General counselling
AnglicareFamily counselling and support.

9721 3688


Provides general counselling, support and advocacy. Exploring effective ways of managing difficulties that they are experiencing.

Counselling and group work for children, young people and their families.

1300 003 224

Relationships Australia (Boronia)Provides couples counselling.

1300 364 277

Wellington Care Centre (Rowville)Provides general counselling.

9764 3738

City Life Community Care Counselling

Counselling for children, adolescents, couples and families.

Fee for counselling, fee assistance may be available.

9871 8900

Gambling counselling
EACH - Gambler’s Help ProgramCounselling for individuals, couples and families experiencing gambling-related difficulties including financial difficulties and relationships, legal and emotional problems.

1300 003 224

Gambler’s Helpline

Assists people with gambling problems as well as those close to them who are affected by their gambling.

Support, tips, tools and programs to help yourself control gambling.

Tips to support someone with a gambling problem.

1300 131 817

1800 858 858

Drug and alcohol counselling
EACH Drug and Alcohol CounsellingProvides individual counselling for alcohol and drug dependence, as well as education.

1300 003 224

The First Stop

For people affected by a friend or family member’s alcohol or other drug use.

It includes information on where to find quality support and treatment services which the Victorian and Australian governments fund.
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
Knox Infolink

NILS provides small loans for the purchase of essential household items such as whitegoods.

The scheme is available to low-income earners.

9761 1325

Community Housing Limited (Box Hill)Provides information and support relating to rental issues such as financial assistance, rent arrears and rent in advance.

9856 0098

1300 254 468

Uniting Wesley Eastern Homeless Crisis Service (Ringwood)Supports people who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness - accommodation, food, financial aid and social support.

8870 4000

1800 825 955

SalvoCare Eastern Gateways program (referrals only via Eastern Region Front Door)

SalvoCare Eastern Homeless Outreach Program

The Gateways program provides short term crisis accommodation and intensive supports to all persons residing within the program. Single adults and couples over 25 and families with children who are homeless.

The Salvation Army SalvoCare Eastern's Homelessness Programmes provide assertive outreach support to consumers who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness and who may have a range of disabilities.

Via Front Door Referral

1300 558 484 

9890 7144

Tenants VictoriaInformation to tenants about their rights.

9416 2577

Family violence support

For information on family violence support services, see family violence support.

Legal services
Eastern Community Legal CentreProvide free legal assistance/or referral to another service.

1300 32 52 00

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

Can assist to resolve a wide range of disputes without having to resort to taking legal action.

Free dispute resolution service providing mediation services.

8765 5222 (Dandenong)

1300 372 888

Victorian Legal AidAdvice for legal problems or information about the law.

9259 5444 (Ringwood)

1300 792 387

Mental health
EACHPrograms for all ages, individual counselling, support and advice for people suffering mental health illness and for people caring for people with mental health illnesses.

1300 003 324

Lifeline24hr telephone crisis support and suicide prevention services.

13 11 14

Eastern Health

Mental health service within the Eastern region.

Provides a range of clinical mental health services to clients.

1300 721 927

Beyond BlueAn organisation working to address issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental disorders.

1300 224 636


Mental Health organisation for young people and their parents.

Offers practical support, tools and tips designed for their needs.
Mensline AustraliaA telephone and online counselling service for men with family and relationship concerns.

1300 789 978

Suicide Call Back ServiceA nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide.

1300 659 467

MINDOffers a range of specialised psychosocial support services to help you gain better mental health and improve the quality of your life.

1300 286 463

Suicide LineFree 24/7 telephone, video or online counselling services offering professional support to people at risk of suicide, people concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and people bereaved by suicide.

1300 651 251

CATT - Crisis Assessment and Treatment TeamProvides immediate help, 24/7 during a mental health crisis.1300 363 746

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