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Lysterfield Quarries

There are two hard rock quarries in the Lysterfield area. Learn about the proposed expansion of the Hanson quarry.

About the quarries

The Hanson Quarry has been operating in Lysterfield since 1979. The adjoining Boral Quarry has been operating since the 1920s.

The quarries produce high-demand construction materials such as concrete. These quarry sites are the fourth most critical extractive resource location in Victoria. They provide jobs and significant economic benefits for Knox residents.

The Hanson Quarry operates under the Authority of a Planning Permit, with the latest permit issued in 1999. The Boral Quarry operates under an Act of State Parliament.

Managing impact on residents

Knox City Council is responsible for the enforcement of planning permit requirements.

Day-to-day operations such as noise, dust, blasting, hours of operation, road cleaning and rehabilitation are controlled by a ‘work authority’ issued by the state government agency, Earth Resources Victoria. Quarry operations must comply with the Earth Resources Victoria work authority conditions. Each quarry generally blasts midweek once a fortnight and the work authority sets controls for the measurement, management and impact of blasts. Vibration from every blast and dust is measured from various locations. You can access this monitoring data on the Hanson Quarry website. 

State Government regulator the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is responsible for the enforcement of regulations regarding emissions from the site, including dust. 

Questions and concerns

Contact the quarries directly first if you have questions or concerns about quarry operations.

You can also lodge a complaint with Earth Resources Australia or report emissions to the EPA.

Potential expansion of the Hanson Quarry

Hanson have indicated that they wish to expand the existing quarry towards the south of the property. This would extend the operating life of the quarry by 5 to 10 years, with quarrying activities potentially ending in 25 to 30 years. The residential buffer currently approved by the Victorian Government is 400 metres. Council’s position is that any future buffer should come no closer than this to neighbouring residences.

Current status of the proposed expansion

Council has not yet received a planning permit application from Hanson for an expansion. Hanson needs approval from the Victorian Government in the form of a work authority before they can submit a council planning permit.

Should an expansion proposal progress to the planning permit stage, the scale of the project would likely trigger assessment and determination by the Minister for Planning in the state government, rather than Council.

For further information you can watch the video-recorded community information session held on Wednesday 24 March 2021.

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Rehabilitation plan

The rehabilitation plan for the Hanson quarry, approved by the Victorian Government in 1994, requires residential areas to the north and west of the site to be blended with the established parkland to the south and east. This involves developing residential areas and creating parkland space including a lake in the mined quarry pit. Implementation of the rehabilitation plan will require further regulatory approvals, and its aspirations are not reflected in the approved planning frameworks that currently apply to the site. Council also works with both quarry operators to protect and care for local wildlife, plants and trees.  

Access planning permits

Planning Permits for Hanson Quarry

Council has worked to locate quarry operation planning permits due to recent community interest. 

Council’s quarry records are incomplete, and some records were destroyed by the fire that destroyed the Knox Civic Centre in 1994. There are documents that officers have not been able to locate, such as the original planning permit TP 88142 (date unknown). 

Planning Permit TP 88143, dated 6 June 1979 [PDF]
Access Road Copy of permit provided.
Endorsed plans not located.

Planning Permit 2297 dated 15 January 1980 [PDF]
8.5m wide access road off Wellington Road
File contains permit. Endorsed plans not located.

Planning Permit 2521 dated 3 October 1980 [PDF]
Constructing an internal access road, office, workshop and crushing plant
File contains permit. Endorsed plans not located.

Planning Permit 1195 dated 7 February 1984 [PDF]
Extend the existing Crushing Plant
File contains permit. Endorsed plans not located.

Planning Permit KNX1892 Planning Permit dated 7 February 1990 [PDF]
Planning Permit KNX1892 Amendment Plan Only
Construct buildings and works – install crushing plant in accordance with endorsed plans
Files contain permit and endorsed plans.

Planning Permit KNX1822 dated 3 May 1990 [PDF]
Concrete Batching Plant
File contains permit and endorsed plans.

Planning Permit KNX3941 dated 19 January 1993 [PDF]
Buildings and works (weighbridge, office and machinery building) to be erected.
File contains permit. Endorsed plans not located.

Planning Permit 983157 dated 16 August 1999 [PDF]
Extension of existing quarry in accordance with endorsed plans.
File contains permit and endorsed plans.

Planning Permit P/2019/7069 dated 13 December 2019 [PDF]
Earthworks at NE corner of the site, placement of fill and vegetation removal
File contains permit.  At the time of writing, plans have not been endorsed for this permit.

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