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Graffiti and authorised street or urban art are very different things.

Graffiti is illegal.

About graffiti

Graffiti is a crime and vandalism to someone's property. It can include:

  • drawing
  • writing
  • etching
  • marking
  • tagging.

Graffiti affects how our community looks, making people feel unsafe.

Dealing with graffiti

Reducing the impact of graffiti in our community is a high priority.

We do this by:

Graffiti on Knox City Council property is removed within 10 business days.

Offensive graffiti is removed within 24 hours.

Keeping Knox graffiti-free

You play an important role in keeping our community graffiti-free.


There are many ways to minimise graffiti on your property.

These include:

  • planting trees and shrubs along exposed fences and walls
  • painting your fence in a dark colour
  • putting protective coatings on surfaces such as glass, signage and outdoor furniture
  • installing lighting in graffiti hotspots
  • considering installing a mural on walls
  • watching out for your graffiti in your neighbourhood.

You can prevent graffiti by sharing information you may have on offenders through Crime Stoppers. You don't need to provide your details.

You can find more resources at Community Crime Prevention Victoria.


You can make a difference by reporting graffiti as soon as you see it.

  • Report graffiti directly through Council's online services or call Customer Service on 9298 8000.
  • Call Victoria Police on 000 for graffiti in progress, or report graffiti damage to your property to your local police station.
Removing graffiti

Residents and business owners or occupiers must remove graffiti from their property.

Council is not responsible for removing graffiti from private property, except for vulnerable community members.

Graffiti removal kits are available for private properties within Knox. Kits can be collected from Knox City Council Customer Service at 511 Burwood Highway Wantirna South VIC 3152.

Removing graffiti within 24 hours is the most effective way to stop it.

Quick removal sends a message that it's not tolerated and reduces the chances of it happening again. Paint cleaned immediately is also easier to remove.

You may need to use high-pressure water spray or call in professional cleaners.

For more information, contact Customer Service on 9298 8000.

Reporting graffiti on public assets

You can also help by letting organisations know about graffiti on their property.

  • Public phones - Telstra: 13 22 03
  • Street light poles - SP Ausnet: 1300 360 795
  • Post boxes - Australia Post: 13 76 78
  • Traffic signal boxes/state road assets - VicRoads: 13 11 70
  • Rail property - Metro Trains: 1800 800 007
  • Glass bus shelters - AdShel: 1800 501 402
  • EastLink assets - EastLink: 9955 1400.

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

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