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Bin inspection program

We are conducting random bin inspections throughout Knox.

You may find a tag on your bin and a postcard in your letterbox with some information. 

About the program

We are randomly inspecting around 60,000 bins in Knox in 2023-2026.

These bin inspections will help us understand how well Knox residents understand what items should go in which bins.

We will be looking at general waste, recycling and food and garden bins.

Inspected bins will receive feedback on whether the items in the bin are correct.

Why are we doing this?

Different materials require different processes to be recycled.

Contamination of recyclables occurs when the wrong items are placed in the wrong bin. For example, plastic bags in a recycling bin are considered contamination.

Contamination causes problems during the sorting of recyclables. Sometimes, this can lead to entire truckloads of contaminated recyclables ending up in landfill.

By conducting bin inspections and feedback to residents, we hope to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

There have been big changes in the bin service in Knox recently, we know it will take time to adjust. This program will help provide direct feedback to residents on how they are going with correct items in each bin.

Inspection process

The bins inspections are:

  • visual only
  • randomly selected
  • conducted by an independent contractor on behalf of Council.

Inspected bins will receive feedback on whether the items in the bin are correct.

If your bin has been inspected, a tag will be left on your bin.

The tag will give you feedback and general guidance about what should and shouldn't be going into the bin.

You may also receive a postcard into your letterbox with some helpful hints on recycling and common contaminants.

My bin was rejected. What do I do?

If the inspection finds items in your bin that will contaminate the load, your bin will not be collected.

The contaminated items will be marked on a red tag on your bin.

You will need to remove the contaminated item(s) and wait until the next bin service collection.

Guide to rubbish and recycling

Download our A to Z rubbish and recycling guide to find out what can go in each bin.

View A-Z rubbish and recycling guide

Need help?

If you have any questions about bin inspections, please contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.

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