Where can I get help?
If you are currently experiencing homelessness or are at risk: | Call the Victorian Statewide Homelessness Line on 1800 825 955 Or contact Uniting Ringwood on 8870 4020. Alternatively, you can attend in person at 291A Maroondah Highway, Ringwood. |
If you are experiencing family violence: | Call Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre on 1800 015 188 Free call (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) |
If you are in danger: | Call 000 |
Support services
Services such as housing support, showers, meals and washing machines in the Knox area are listed below.
How to respond to rough sleeping
If you are concerned for the welfare of someone who is rough sleeping, you can let us know using our online reporting form.
What happens next
After a rough sleeping report is made, our Short-Term Support Team will make contact and identify the best ways to offer support.
About homelessness
The causes of homelessness are complex, with no single trigger. Many factors play a role and interact with each other.
Homelessness means the lack of things that typically make us feel at 'home'. These can include security, stability, privacy, safety and control over your own living space.
A person is homeless if they:
- live in a dwelling that is inadequate
- have no security of tenure
- do not have control, or access to space for social relations.
This may include people:
- living in improvised dwellings, tents or cars
- sleeping out in supported accommodation for the homeless
- sleeping in temporary accommodation in other households
- sleeping in boarding houses, other temporary lodgings, and in severely overcrowded buildings.
Family violence and homelessness
Fleeing family violence is the biggest cause of homelessness in Victoria.
More than one-third of women accessing homelessness services are fleeing family violence (Australian Government Statistics).
Our approach to homelessness
All Victorians have the right to be in public spaces. People who are homeless should be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other member of the public.
Out approach to homelessness and rough sleeping in Knox is:
- connecting people who are homeless or sleeping rough with support services
- linking people with suitable housing or services before they become homeless, where possible
- working with other organisations towards the goal of preventing homelessness
- monitoring accessibility to housing providers and support services
- increasing awareness and community education on the cause of homelessness.
View the Knox Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Policy
Impounded possessions
If your possessions are obstructing a public space, Council may impound them under Local Law.
Our Community Laws Officers will take reasonable steps to identify the owner and advise that their belongings have been impounded.
We must keep the goods for 14 days before selling, destroying, disposing of or giving them away.
A fee may be payable to release your impounded goods.
If you believe your goods have impounded, you should contact us as soon as possible on 9298 8000.
Need help?
Contact us and we will get back to you.
Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.