About the Amendment
Amendment C160 was processed through the Government Land Planning Service, a State Government initiative to deliver changes to planning provisions on land owned by the Victorian Government.
Council prepared a submission into the Government Land Planning Service alongside many other members of the community.
Amendment C160:
- rezones the site from Public Use Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone
- varies the location of the existing Environmental Significance Overlay
- varies the location of the existing Land Subject to Inundation Overlay, and
- amends the schedule to Clause 72.04 to introduce the Burwood Highway and Scoresby Road Knoxfield Comprehensive Development Plan.
The Minister for Planning is the Planning Authority for the Amendment.
The rezoning and development was proposed under Amendment C160. It was approved and gazetted by the Minister of Planning in November 2018.
Amendment C160 and its supporting documents are available on the Department Transport and Planning website.
Find out more about Planning Scheme Amendments.
Redevelopment Draft Masterplan
Following the rezoning of the site in 2018, Development Victoria developed a Draft Masterplan for the redevelopment of this site.
In June and July 2020, Development Victoria undertook community consultation and sought community feedback on the Draft Masterplan.
For more information and details on the Draft Masterplan, visit the Engage Victoria website. Council officers provided a submission to Development Victoria.
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