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Street trees of Knox

Council is responsible for managing approximately 70,000 street trees. Having a diverse range of species is vital for ensuring our trees are less vulnerable to the effects of climate change and pests or disease.

2022 Street Tree Renewal Project

Every year we identify a number of streets across Knox to receive new trees as part of our Street Tree Renewal Project. We ask residents in those streets to vote on which trees they would prefer to have planted.

We plant these trees in April to June, during peak rain periods when the soil is moist. We monitor the trees monthly for the first 2 years and water them using recycled water (when available) over the warmer months.

About different tree species in Knox

Learn more about the types of trees you will find planted around Knox:

Trees (A – B)

Acacia implexa (Lightwood)

  • Indigenous evergreen tree with an upright, narrow to open spreading habit.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy yellow balls appearing summer to early autumn.
  • Uses: A fantastic shade tree and source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 5m.

Acacia linearfolia (Wattle)

  • Small-medium evergreen tree, native to Australia (NSW).
  • Foliage: Narrow linear grey-green foliage.
  • Flowering Time: Bright yellow clusters in spring.
  • Uses: Bush gardens, bird and insect attracting.
  • Height x Width: 3-10m x 2-4m.

Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood)

  • Description: Evergreen tree with an upright and spreading dense canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy yellow balls on short stems appearing winter to spring.
  • Uses: A fantastic shade tree a source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 5m.

Acacia pravissima (Ovens Wattle)

  • Small evergreen tree, native to Australia (Vic, NSW)
  • Foliage: Triangular dull green.
  • Flowering Time: Bright yellow flower clusters in early spring
  • Uses: Bush gardens, bird and insect attracting.
  • Height x Width: 3-6m x 2-5m.

Acer buergerianum (Trident Maple)

  • A small, hardy, exotic deciduous tree.
  • Autumn Foliage: A brilliant greenish–red to yellow and orange.
  • Flowering Time: Greenish-white flowers in late spring.
  • Uses: An excellent street tree in confined spaces and provides excellent shade.
  • Height x Width: 6m x 6m.

Acer campestre (Hedge Maple)

  • Small, broad-crowned, deciduous tree. Often with corky, fissured bark.
  • Foliage: Leaves divided to about the middle with 3 - 5 lobes.
  • Flowering Time: Upright clusters of paired samaras. September - October
  • Uses: Shade tree, streetscapes. Good for smaller locations.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 6m.

Acer negundo (Box Elder)

  • Medium size deciduous tree, native to north America.
  • Foliage: Cultivar 'Sensation' has reddish green pinnate leaves. Bright reds and oranges feature in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Insignificant flowers can be found in early spring.
  • Uses: Ornamental, shade tree, street tree.
  • Height x Width: 6-10m x 4-6m.

Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

  • Medium sized deciduous tree with beautiful autumn colour.
  • Foliage: Triangular, evenly toothed, short lobes. Bright red in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Spring, appearing before the leaves
  • Uses: Adaptable feature tree.
  • Height x Width: 6m x 5m.

Acer truncatum x platanoides (Hybrid Maple)

  • A medium, exotic, deciduous tree with excellent autumn tones.
  • Autumn Foliage: yellows, oranges and bright reds.
  • Flowering Time: Green to yellow flowers in late spring.
  • Uses: An excellent street tree due to its showy leaves and resistance to drought.
  • Height x Width: 8-10m x 5-6m.

Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' (Autumn Blaze Maple)

  • Deciduous tree, upright form when young, spreading oval form at maturity.
  • Autumn Foliage: Medium green maple leaves turning to showy red, orange and yellow autumn colour.
  • Flowering Time: Small red flowers from winter to spring
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun, urban heat island reduction and stormwater management
  • Height x Width: 6m x 5m.

Agonis flexuosa (Willow Myrtle)

  • Small evergreen tree, with a dense round weeping canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Late spring to early summer with beautiful tiny white five petals flowers.
  • Uses: Good street tree and provides excellent an excellent habitat for native fauna.
  • Height x Width: 5m x 6m.

Allocasuarina littoralis (Black Sheoak)

  • A medium size native evergreen tree.
  • Flowers: The male flowers are rust-brown and the female flowers are red.
  • Features: Decorative cones and bird-attracting.
  • Uses: This tree provides shade in addition to screening.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 3-6 m.

Allocasuarina torulosa (Forest Sheoak)

  • Medium evergreen tree, native to Australia (Qld, NSW). Thick, deeply fissured corky bark.
  • Foliage: Brachlets sometimes drooping, thin.
  • Flowering Time: Male flowers March - June.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, difficult sites, specimen tree.
  • Height x Width: 8-10m x 5-7m.

Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple)

  • A medium sized native evergreen tree with an open canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Cluster of creamy white flowers occurring in spring to summer.
  • Uses: An excellent attractive street tree known for its smooth slightly pinky/ purple dimpled bark.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 6-8m.

Angophora floribunda (Rough-barked Apple)

  • Medium to large tree with spreading canopy. Bark is brown, shortly fibrous and fissured, persistent to small branches.
  • Foliage: Opposite, dull green above, paler beneath. Bright green when young.
  • Flowering Time: Spring to summer.
  • Uses: Shade, shelter and ornamental.
  • Height x Width: 15m x 10m.

Angophora hispida (Dwarf Apple)

  • Small evergreen tree, native to Australia (NSW).
  • Foliage: Lanceolate to ovate, often hairy or bristled. Stalkless or with short petiole. Young leaves emerge as a pinky orange before turning green when matured.
  • Flowering Time: White flower clusters in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, bird and insect attracting.
  • Height x Width: 6-8m x 4-6m.

Banksia 'Giant Candles'

  • Small evergreen tree native to Australia. This tree is a hybrid of Banksia ericifolia and Banksia spinulosa.
  • Foliage: Narrow linear leaves. Green above, whitish underneath.
  • Flowering Time: Large orange flower stalks produced in autumn.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, bird attracting, ornamental, screen.
  • Height x Width: 4-6m x 4-6m.

Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia)

  • Evergreen tree native to Australia (Qld, Vic, Tas)
  • Foliage: Obovate - elliptic, occasionally irregularly toothed. Lower surface white, green above.
  • Flowering Time: Summer - winter
  • Uses: Streetscapes, feature tree, bird attracting
  • Height x Width: 10-15m x 5-8m.

Banksia marginata (Silver Banksia)

  • Small indigenous tree.
  • Flowering Time: Pale to bright yellow upright cylindrical brushes appearing spring to autumn.
  • Uses: Shade and wind buffer, a source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 5m x 5m.

Brachychiton acerifolius (Illawarra Flame Tree)

  • One of Australia's most beautiful trees. The tree is party deciduous, shedding leaves when the masses of crimson red flowers are present. Typically a pyramid shaped tree with a green trunk that tapers from the base.
  • Foliage: Large palmate leaves. Glossy green.
  • Flowering Time: November - December.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, shade, feature tree.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 6m.

Brachychiton populneus (Kurrajong Tree)

  • Dense crowned evergreen tree that typically grows with a stout, tapering grey trunk. Bell shaped cream flowers flecked with red are seen in spring - summer.
  • Foliage: Variable in shape. Wide lanceolate, partly divided or with 3 sharp lobes. Green, paler beneath.
  • Flowering Time: September - December.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, shade and shelter. This tree is well adapted to drought conditions.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 6m.
Trees (C – E)

Callistemon cv (Bottlebrush)

  • Description: A small native evergreen tree.
  • Flowering Time: Masses of deep red flowers in spring and late autumn.
  • Features: Beautiful and showy masses of deep red flowers.
  • Uses: A great street tree under power lines due it small size.
  • Height x Width: 4-5m x 3-4m.

Callistemon salignus (Willow Bottlebrush)

  • Evergreen, upright, densely spreading round to oval habit.
  • Flowering Time: Clusters of cream to white cylindrical brushes appearing spring to summer.
  • Features: Pinkish red new growth and creamy white flowers.
  • Uses: Summer shade, urban heat island reduction, stormwater management, and winter frost and wind protection.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 7m.

Callistemon viminalis (Weeping Bottlebrush)

  • A small-medium native evergreen tree.
  • Flowering Time: Masses of deep red flowers in spring and late autumn.
  • Features: Beautiful and showy masses of deep red flowers.
  • Uses: A great street tree under power lines due it small size.
  • Height x Width: 5-8m x 3-4m.

Callitris rhomboidea (Port Jackson Pine)

  • Small-medium coniferous tree, native to Australia (Tas, Vic, SA, NSW, Qld)
  • Foliage: Green or glaucous foliage closely pressed to the branchlets.
  • Uses: Windbreak, specimen tree, bird habitat.
  • Height x Width: 6-12m x 2-5m.

Calodendrum capense (Cape Chestnut)

  • Medium sized evergreen tree native to South Africa.
  • Foliage: Elliptic to oblong, entire. Glossy dark green above, paler beneath.
  • Flowering Time: Showy pink flowers in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, feature tree.
  • Height x Width: 8-10m x 4-6m.

Carpinus betulas (Common Hornbeam)

  • Deciduous broad-dome tree. Smooth pale grey bark. Provides autumn interests as the leaves change from dark green to yellow.
  • Foliage: Green serrated oval leaves turning golden yellow in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Spring.
  • Uses: Feature tree.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 5m.

Celtis australis (European Nettle Tree)

  • Deciduous broad crowned tree with smooth grey bark.
  • Foliage: Narrowly lanceolate to ovate. 8-12 cm long. Dark green above, pale and softly hairy beneath. Colouring to yellow in autumn.
  • Uses: Provides shade in summer that reduces the heat island effect on the urban area.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 7m.

Ceratonia siliqua (Carob Tree)

  • Small sized tree, native to east Mediterranean.
  • Foliage: Alternate, pinnate. 3-5 pairs of oval or obovate leaflets.
  • Flowering Time: Autumn
  • Uses: Street tree, small gardens, animal fodder, food source (edible fruit pods).
  • Height x Width: 4-5m x 3-4m.

Cercis canadensis (Forest Pansy)

  • Deciduous tree, with showy pink flowers and orange/ red/purple leaves in autumn.
  • Flowers: Masses of ‘pea’ like fuchsia-pink flower that appear in spring.
  • Uses: Good tree in small areas and under power lines.
  • Height x Width: 5m x 5m.

Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor Laurel)

  • Medium-large evergreen tree, native to China and Japan.
  • Foliage: Ovate to elliptic, glossy. Young growth pinky turning green when mature. Strongly smelling of camphor when crushed.
  • Flowering Time: Yellow flowers in spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, parks, shade tree.
  • Height x Width: 10-15m x 8-12m.

Corymbia citriodora 'Scentuous' (Dwarf Lemon Scented Gum)

  • Evergreen native tree. Bark is smooth white to smaller branches, turning pink prior to shedding.
  • Foliage: Narrow lanceolate. Strongly lemon scented when crushed.
  • Flowering Time: Summer.
  • Uses: Street tree. Food and habitat resource for native fauna, insects, butterflies and birds.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 5m.

Corymbia eximia ‘nana’ (Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood)

  • A medium sized native evergreen tree with an upright, spreading habit and distinctive golden bark.
  • Flowering Time: White flowers to cream flowers appearing in spring.
  • Uses: Summer shade, urban heat island reduction, stormwater management, and winter frost and wind protection. Food source for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 6-8m x 6-8m.

Corymbia ficifolia cv (Flowering Gum)

  • A small native evergreen tree, with masses of pink, red or orange flowers.
  • Flowering Time: Summer.
  • Uses: Great street tree under powerlines due to small size and showy flowers. Also, bird attracting.
  • Height x Width: 6m x 3m.

Cupaniopsis anacardioides (Tuckeroo)

  • Small growing tree, native to Australia (NSW, QLD, NT).
  • Foliage: Pinnate, thick green elliptic-oblong leaflets.
  • Flowering Time: May-June.
  • Uses: Street tree, ornamental, erosion control.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 4m.

Elaeocarpus reticulatus (Blueberry Ash)

  • Small evergreen tree, native to Australia.
  • Foliage: Juvenile leaves emerge pink before turning to dark green when mature.
  • Flowering Time: Spring and summer
  • Uses: Streetscapes, specimen tree, informal hedge
  • Height x Width: 9m x 4m.

Eucalyptus cephalocarpa (Silver-leaved Stringybark)

  • Indigenous tree to Knox. A medium sized evergreen tree with grey-brown fibrous bark and attractive silvery-blue foliage.
  • Foliage: Lanceolate. Silvery blue or dull green.
  • Flowering Time: Masses of creamy-white flowers. March - August.
  • Uses: Streetscapes. Bird and insect attracting. Good for sites with poor drainage.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 10m.

Eucalyptus cinerea (Argyle Apple)

  • Medium sized evergreen tree, native to Australia. (NSW, Vic)
  • Foliage: Foliage blue-grey. juvenile leaves rounded, stalkless (or very small) and persistent on mature trees. Adult leaves lanceolate.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy white flowers in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, feature tree
  • Height x Width: 10-15m x 5-10m.

Eucalyptus leucoxylon (Yellow Gum)

  • Medium sized tree with several variants available (Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. Megalocarpa and Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. Connata planted within Knox). Tree typically grows with a straight trunk with rough bark at the base of tree with smooth mottled yellow, blue or grey bark above. Flowers are creamy white or pink-red, grouped in threes.
  • Foliage: Lanceolate - green to waxy-blue.
  • Flowering Time: May - December.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, parks. Bird and insect attracting.
  • Height x Width: 12m x 10m.

Eucalyptus mannifera ‘Little Spotty’ (Brittle Gum)

  • A small native evergreen tree with an open canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy white flowers produced in late winter/ early spring.
  • Uses: A good specimen tree in area with restricted space.
  • Height x Width: 7-9m x 5-7m.

Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box)

  • Indigenous evergreen tree with an upright, open to dense spreading habit.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy white perfumed flowers produced in spring to late summer.
  • Uses: Summer shade, urban heat island reduction, stormwater management, and winter frost and wind protection and food source for local fauna.
  • Height x Width: 14m x 10m.

Eucalyptus pauciflora ‘Little Snowman' (Snow Gum)

  • Evergreen tree with creamy white bark and bluish green foliage.
  • Flowering Time: White flowers appearing spring to summer.
  • Uses: Shade and wind buffer, a source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 5m.

Eucalyptus polyanthemos (Redbox)

  • Indigenous eucalypt with striking silver grey foliage.
  • Flowering: White creamy coloured flowers appearing spring to summer.
  • Uses: A fantastic shade tree a source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 8m.

Eucalyptus radiata (Narrow Leaved Peppermint)

  • A large indigenous evergreen tree with an upright spreading dense canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Numerous small white flowers appearing in spring and summer.
  • Uses: A fantastic shade tree and source of food and shelter for indigenous fauna.
  • Height x Width: 15m x 10m.

Eucalyptus torquata (Coral Gum)

  • Evergreen tree, with a beautiful display of coral pink flowers.
  • Flowering Time: Cluster of coral pink flower occur from spring to summer.
  • Uses: An excellent and widely planted street tree due to the clusters of coral pink flowers and ornamental buds.
  • Height x Width: 6-8m x 3-4m.
Trees (F – O)

Flindersia australis (Crows Ash)

  • Large evergreen tree, native to Australia (Qld, NSW).
  • Foliage: Pinnate, leaflets shiny green.
  • Flowering Time: Spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, shade tree, windbreak.
  • Height x Width: 10-15m x 8-10m.

Fraxinus pennsylvanica cv (Green Ash)

  • Large deciduous tree, native to north America.
  • Foliage: Pinnate. Leaflets oblong to elliptic. Margins finely toothed. Showy foliage in autumn when leaves transition from yellows to reds to burgundy before leaf drop.
  • Flowering Time: Spring (before leaf burst).
  • Uses: Streetscapes, specimen, shade tree, autumn colour.
  • Height x Width: 10-14m x 6-8m.

Garrya elliptica

  • Small evergreen tree, native to USA.
  • Foliage: Dark green above, pale underneath. Wavy margins
  • Flowering Time: Winter
  • Uses: Ornamental, shade, street tree.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 6m.

Geijera parviflora (Wilga)

  • Medium evergreen tree, native to Australia (Qld, NSW, VIC, SA).
  • Foliage: Linear, grey-green and drooping.
  • Flowering Time: White star shaped flowers winter-spring
  • Uses: Streetscapes, dry locations.
  • Height x Width: 5-10m x 6-9m.

Hakea bucculenta (Red Pokers)

  • Small Australian native tree/shrub that produces attractive orange-red flowers.
  • Foliage: Long, narrow green leaves.
  • Flowering Time: Winter-spring.
  • Uses: Feature tree that attracts birds and bees. A good specimen for small spaces.
  • Height x Width: 4m x 3m.

Hakea laurina (Pincushion Hakea)

  • Small evergreen tree native to Australia (WA)
  • Foliage: Narrowly obovate with prominent longitudinal veins. Thick and leathery.
  • Flowering Time: Autumn-winter
  • Uses: Streetscapes, bird and insect attracting, feature tree.
  • Height x Width: 5m x 4m.

Hakea suaveolens (Sweet Hakea)

  • Small tree/shrub native to Australia (WA).
  • Foliage: Pale green cylindrical or flat, pointed segments.
  • Flowering Time: Fragrant pinkish to white showy flower clusters in autumn and winter.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, bird attracting, windbreak.
  • Height x Width: 3-5m x 2-4m.

Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda)

  • Medium sized deciduous tree, native to Argentina and Brazil.
  • Foliage: Bi-pinnate green leaves that turn yellow and shed in late winter-spring.
  • Flowering Time: Blue-violet flowers emerge in late spring to early summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 6-8m.

Koelreuteria paniculata (Golden Rain Tree)

  • Small-medium deciduous tree, native to north China and Korea.
  • Foliage: Pinnate - leaflets ovate-oblong, toothed and often lobed at base.
  • Flowering Time: Showy yellow flower clusters in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental, shade tree.
  • Height x Width: 5-6m x 3-4m.

Kunzea ericoides (White Tea Tree)

  • A small native evergreen tree with a dense canopy.
  • Flowering Time: Spring-summer, the flowers are small and white in dense clusters and are sweetly scented.
  • Uses: A good tree under power lines due to its small size.
  • Height x Width: 2-5m x 2-5m.

Lagerstroemia indica cv (Crepe Myrtle)

  • A small, exotic, deciduous tree with an attractive cinnamon coloured bark.
  • Autumn Foliage: yellow-orange.
  • Flowering Time: Dark fuchsia-pink flowers that occurs from late summer to early autumn.
  • Uses: An excellent street and amenity tree.
  • Height x Width: 6m x 4m.

Leptospermum petersonii (Lemon Scented Tea Tree)

  • A small native evergreen tree with a rounded canopy. The foliage is lemon scented when crushed.
  • Flowering Time: Small white flowers that occur in summer and attract birds.
  • Uses: A good street tree under power lines due to its small size.
  • Height x Width: 5m x 3m.

Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Tree)

  • Deciduous, upright conical to oval tree with a moderately dense habit.
  • Flowering Time: Fragrant tulip shaped flowers appearing in summer.
  • Features: Beautiful and showy flowers and distinctive lime green leaves turning yellow in autumn.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun, urban heat island reduction, and stormwater management.
  • Height x Width: 15m x 10m.

Lophostemon confertus (Qld Brush Box)

  • A medium sized native evergreen tree with dense conical shaped crown.
  • Flowering Time: White flowers in late spring/summer.
  • Uses: An excellent shade tree with an attractive pinkish-cinnamon to orangey bark.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 5-7m.

Malus floribunda (Crab Apple)

  • Attractive small tree with a spectacular display of white and reddish-pink flowers in spring.
  • Foliage: Oblong, elliptic or ovate. Sharply toothed.
  • Flowering Time: Spring.
  • Uses: Feature tree. Avenue planting. Bee attracting.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 8m.

Malus ioensis 'Plena' (Bechtel Crab Apple)

  • Highly ornamental deciduous tree, native to Central USA.
  • Foliage: Oblong - ovate, toothed and sometimes lobed.
  • Flowering Time: White - pink fragrant flowers in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental, fall colour
  • Height x Width: 5-6m x 3-4m.

Melaleuca linariifolia (Snow in Summer)

  • Medium evergreen tree native to Australia (NSW, Qld, SA, NT). Thick papery bark over trunk and branches.
  • Foliage: Linear-lanceolate, small, opposite.
  • Flowering Time: Abundance of white flowers covering tree in early summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, waterlogged sites, insect and bird attracting, windbreak.
  • Height x Width: 5-10m x 5-8m.

Melaleuca quinquenervia (Broad-leaved Paperbark)

  • Medium evergreen tree native to Australia (NSW, Qld). Thick papery bark over trunk and branches.
  • Foliage: Lanceolate to elliptic. Prominent longitudinal veins.
  • Flowering Time: White flower spikes autumn to winter.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, waterlogged sites, bird and insect attracting, windbreaks.
  • Height x Width: 8-10m x 5-6m.

Melia azedarach (White Cedar)

  • Deciduous tree with an upright spreading rounded or irregular habit.
  • Flowering Time: Clusters of small fragrant pale purple and white flowers in autumn.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun, urban heat island reduction, and stormwater management.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 7m.

Nyssa sylvatica (Tupela)

  • Medium deciduous tree, native to eastern USA
  • Foliage: Obovate - elliptic. Pointed tip, entire or with some teeth. Red in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Insignificant.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental, autumn colour.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 4-6m.

Olea europaea cv (Olive Tree)

  • Small evergreen tree, native to southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia.
  • Foliage: Narrow oblong-elliptic. Grey-green above, whitish below.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy white flowers seen in spring.
  • Uses: Low fruiting cultivars suited to use as street trees, ornamental.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 4m.
Trees (P – Z)

Parrotia persica (Persian Ironwood)

  • Small deciduous tree, native to northern Iran.
  • Foliage: Obovate with wavy margin. Small indentations above middle. 5-7 veins joining at leaf base.
  • Flowering Time: Spring
  • Uses: Streetscapes, feature tree, autumn colour.
  • Height x Width: 5-7m x 3-5m.

Photinia x fraseri 'Robusta' (Red Leaf Photinia)

  • Small evergreen tree, originating from China.
  • Foliage: Leaves elliptical to obovate, finely toothed and glossy above. New growth tinged red before turning dark green.
  • Flowering Time: Abundance of white flower clusters appear in early spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, feature tree, screening, insect attracting.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 8m.

Pistachio chinensis (Chinese Pistachio)

  • Description: Deciduous tree, upright form when young, spreading rounded form at maturity with ornamental orange/pink flecked bark.
  • Flowering Time: Greenish white flowers appearing in spring.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun and storm water management.
  • Height x Width: 7m x 7m.

Pittosporum crassifolium (Karo)

  • Small evergreen tree native to New Zealand.
  • Foliage: Obovate. Green above, white below.
  • Flowering Time: Dark red flowers in spring and early summer.
  • Uses: Street tree planting, hedging/screen.
  • Height x Width: 6-9m x 4-6m.

Pyrus nivalis (Snow Pear)

  • Small, highly ornamental deciduous tree native to central and south eastern Europe.
  • Foliage: grey-green foliage, margin serrated. Hairy on both surfaces when young. Spectacular bright red-orange foliage in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: White flower clusters in early spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental.
  • Height x Width: 6-8m x 4-5m.

Quercus acutissima (Sawtooth Oak)

  • Large deciduous tree native to China and Japan.
  • Foliage: Lanceolate. Margins with bristle-tipped shallow triangular teeth.
  • Flowering Time: Yellow catkins in spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, shade tree, park tree, ornamental.
  • Height x Width: 8-12m x 8-12m.

Quercus palustris (Pin Oak)

  • Deciduous tree with an upright pyramidal symmetrical habit.
  • Autumn Foliage: Medium green deeply lobed leaves, turning bronze to red in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Pale yellow or green, inconspicuous flowers appearing winter to spring.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun and stormwater management.
  • Height x Width: 20m x 15m.

Sapium sebiferum (Chinese Tallow Tree)

  • Attractive small deciduous tree, native to China and Taiwan.
  • Foliage: Cordate, long pointed tip. Foliage turns reds, yellows and oranges in autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Yellow catkins produced in spring.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, ornamental
  • Height x Width: 8-10m x 4-6m.

Styrax japonicus (Japanese snowbell)

  • Medium size deciduous tree, native to China, Japan and Korea.
  • Foliage: Ovate green leaves with undulating margins.
  • Flowering Time: Late spring, fragrant bell shaped white flowers appear.
  • Uses: Ornamental, shade tree.
  • Height x Width: 5-6m x 3-5m.

Syzygium australe (Brush Cherry)

  • Evergreen tree native to Australia (Qld, NSW).
  • Foliage: Elliptic to obovate, dark green and glossy.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy white flowers in summer.
  • Uses: Streetscapes, specimen tree, food source for fauna.
  • Height x Width: 5-8m x 4-6m.

Syzygium floribunda cv (Weeping Lilly Pilly)

  • A native evergreen tree with semi-weeping branches. Leaves are various shades of green and new leaves start off pink.
  • Flowering Time: Fluffy cream flowers that occur November to January.
  • Uses: A great shade tree in the urban environment, attractive street tree due to its vibrant foliage.
  • Height x Width: 8m x 5m.

Tilia cordata 'Green Spire' (Small-leaved Lime)

  • Deciduous tree with an upright spreading pyramidal habit. Leaves turn golden in the autumn.
  • Flowering Time: Creamy yellow flowers produced in summer.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun, urban heat island reduction, and storm water management.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 5m.

Tristaniopsis laurina 'Luscious' (Kanooka)

  • A slow growing small native evergreen tree with shiny dark green leaves copper coloured new growth.
  • Flowering Time: Cluster of yellow flowers in summer.
  • Uses: Street tree under power lines.
  • Height x Width: 5-6m x 4-5m.

Ulmus Parvifolia cv (Chinese Elm)

  • A medium sized deciduous tree with a rounded canopy and a striking coloured bark.
  • Autumn Foliage: Bronzy-orange to yellowish-green.
  • Flowering Time: Inconspicuous flower in late summer.
  • Uses: An excellent street tree due to its showy bark and shade provided.
  • Height x Width: 7-9m x 8-10m.

Zelkova serrata (Japanese Zelkova)

  • A medium sized, hardy, exotic deciduous tree with stunning autumn foliage.
  • Autumn Foliage: A brilliant greenish–red to yellow and orange.
  • Flowering Time: Small yellow green flowers in spring.
  • Uses: Summer shade, winter sun and stormwater management.
  • Height x Width: 10m x 7m.

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