CRS Kindergartens
What is the Central Registration Scheme (CRS)?
The Central Registration Scheme (CRS) provides families one easily accessible way to register and enrol their child in kindergarten, without having to work through the different processes and priorities used by individual kindergarten providers.
All programs in the CRS are funded and sessional.
Please note: Not all kindergartens in Knox are part of the CRS. Contact other kindergartens not participating in the CRS directly about their registration and enrolment process.
Finding a CRS Kindergarten near you
Choosing a kindergarten near you gives you a better chance of being offered a place at a kindergarten of your choice.
Attending a CRS kindergarten in the same Local Community Area in which you live meets Priority Two of the Priority of Access criteria.
Local Community Areas are indicated by the red boundary lines on the map below.
To view the sessional kindergarten programs relevant for your child:
- Select the year and age your child will attend kindergarten.
- Add your address to see your home on the map.
- Then click on each kindergarten to see their scheduled programs.
Virtual tours of CRS Kindergartens
Sessional Funded Kindergarten in Knox – not participating in CRS
Please visit the other providers page to view other kindergartens that are not included the CRS for 2025.
Find a playgroup
Knox has a range of playgroups for parents and carers of babies and children from birth to 5 years of age.
Need help?
Email [email protected] and we will get back to you.
Or call our Kindergarten Services team on 9298 8000.