To pay your rates online you will need your 7-digit rates assessment number, which can be found at the top of your rates notice. Pay your rates online.
Your rates notice
Rates notices are issued at the beginning of August each year.
There are two reference numbers on your rates notice that you need for online services:
- Your 7-digit rates Assessment number
- Your eNotices reference number
View your rates
You can view your current rates notice online if you are already registered to receive eNotices
- To register to view future rates notices online and receive emailed notices sign up at
- You'll need your eNotices reference number in the top section of your rates notice (see 2. in the picture below)
Receive your rates by email
To receive your rates notice via email you can register with our online portal.
Sign up for rates notice emails
Once you have registered you will no longer receive a paper rates notice.
To set up your email notifications, you just need to:
- enter your email address and eNotices reference number found on your rate notice
- check your email inbox and click the validation link
- choose a password and enter your mobile number.
You will now receive all future rates notices in your email inbox. You can also login to view your current and previous rates notices at any time.
Reprint a rates notice
You can request another copy of your rates notice online: you can request a reprint.
- You'll need your 7-digit rates assessment number (see 1. in the image below)
- We aim to respond to requests for copies of rates notices within 5 business days.
Knox City Council's budget
Each financial year Council prepares an annual budget based on the priorities of our Community and Council Plans.
The 2024/25 Annual Budget details how rates will be spent to maintain and deliver the services and facilities our community values and relies on.
Once we have worked out our total spend, then we look at income sources. This includes rates.
Rates represent approximately 70 per cent of Knox City Council's total income.
How rates and charges revenue is used
Rates and charges revenue funds hundreds of local services and programs that our community uses every day, such as:
- sports and leisure facilities
- waste management and recycling
- libraries
- health and safety
- active ageing and disability services
- parks and reserves
- leisure, sports and recreation programs
- festivals, arts and culture
- services for youth
- planning and development
- and much more.
Rates capping
The state government's Fair Go Rates System (FGRS) directs that all councils are limited in how much more income they can earn from rates compared to the previous year. This is called the rate cap. The rate cap:
- is set each year by the Minister for Local Government. For the 2024/25 financial year the rate cap was set at 2.75 per cent
- applies to the percentage increase in a council’s average general rate and municipal charge, it does not apply to each property owner's rates notice
- applies to general rates and municipal charges, it does not apply to waste charges or the State’s fire services property levy
Waste collection charge
The most common service charge for waste collection is the Residential Garbage Charge for the collection and disposal of garbage and food and garden waste as well as the collection of recyclable materials.
The 2024/25 annual Residential Garbage Charge is $428.20.
This is the standard charge applicable to all residential properties in Knox.
The complete listing of 2024/25 waste collection charges include:
Fire Services Property Levy
The Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) is set by the state government to fund the state's fire services.
It is shown on your Council rates notice but is collected for the state government. All property owners must pay the FSPL.