About the directory
You can search for a Knox business by:
- name
- keyword
- suburb.
Or you can browse our businesses by category, including:
- accommodation
- arts and entertainment
- automotive
- beauty and fashion
- boats and marine
- business to business
- eating and drinking
- employment and training
- finance and insurance
- health and caring
- hobbies
- home and real estate
- IT and communications
- organisations
- pets
- shopping
- sport and leisure
- travel
- weddings.
Use KnoxBiz to find a business or service
KnoxBiz for Knox businesses
If you run a business in the City of Knox, you'll find information, resources and advice for business at KnoxBiz.
Our Economic Development team provides services to help create and grow business and the local economy.
Our focus areas are:
- understanding the local economy and business community
- supporting our business
- growing our economy
- enabling prosperous places.
Need help?
Email [email protected] and we will come back to you.
Or call our Economic Development team on 9298 8000.