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Kindergarten in Knox

Kindergarten is an educational program for 3-and 4-year-old children, taught by qualified early childhood teachers. 

What is kindergarten

Kindergarten educational programs focus on an individual child's strengths and abilities. Educators plan a play-based program to extend each child’s learning and development.

Programs are based on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).

Funded kindergarten

Funded Kindergarten means programs that get financial help from the state government ensuring fees are low for families.  

Funding limits are currently:

  • 5 to 15 hour a week kindergarten program for 3 year olds, and
  • 15 hour a week kindergarten program for 4 year olds.

The State Government is planning gradual increases to these funded hours through the Best Start Best Life reforms.

You can only enrol your child in one funded kindergarten program per year.

Types of kindergarten programs

There are 2 types of programs available:

  • Sessional programs
  • Integrated into Long Day Care programs

All kindergarten with both types of programs can be found on the Find a Kinder website.

Sessional programs

Sessional programs are offered as a weekly schedule in line with the funded hours above. Most sessional programs in Knox are part of Knox’s Central Registration Scheme (CRS) but some are not. 

Register for kindergarten

Integrated into Long Day Care programs

This is kindergarten that is included when a child attends Long Day Care for a minimum of three days per week. This type is not included in the CRS. To register for integrated programs, select it when registering for Long Day Care on our website or enquire with your Long Day Care provider.

Differences between programs

There are variations between programs:

ItemFunded kindergarten in long day careFunded sessional kindergarten

Daily fee of $165.35.

Applicable bond payment.

Childcare subsidy (where eligible).

Free Kinder Funding rebate of up to $2,050 for 15-hour programs in 2024.

3- and 4-year-old kindergarten is free

Qualified cooks provide meals (included in daily fee).

In Term 4 there is a transition to lunchboxes.

Families provide snacks and lunch.
Days and times of operation

Minimum 3 days a week, 5 hours a day.

Program operates 5 days a week.

Children attend during school holidays.

5 to 15 hours a week for 3-year-olds and 15 hours a week for 4-year-olds.
Age of children attending

Sessions available for 3- to 5-year-olds.

Provides an opportunity for siblings to be in the same room.

Sessions available for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds.
Benefits of kindergarten

Research shows that a child who attends two years of a quality kindergarten program will, on average, have better cognitive and social skills when they start school. This includes better development in language, independence, and concentration.

The kindergarten years are important for every child. They encourage children to:

  • be creative and confident thinkers
  • build overall confidence, self reliance and resourcefulness
  • experience the joy of success and learning with other children and adults.

Central Registration Scheme (CRS)

You may have heard there will be changes to kindergarten in Knox. Council will still manage registrations and allocation and sessional kindergarten will still be provided at our facilities. Find out more.

The CRS provides families with one easily accessible way to register and enrol their child in sessional kindergarten.

Register for multiple participating kindergarten programs within Knox in one place and nominate which kindergarten you prefer.

It includes funded sessional kindergarten programs only.  Please go to the Long Day Care page if you want to register for an integrated program.

Register for kindergarten on Council’s website using Knox’s Central Registration Scheme (CRS) from 1 April for the following year attendance.

Register for kindergarten

CRS Participating Programs

These are kindergartens that participate in the Central Registration Scheme (CRS).  All these kindergartens are funded and sessional programs.

Find a kindergarten

Non-CRS Participating Programs

Not all sessional kindergarten programs in Knox are part of the CRS.  

Sessional programs are also offered by other independent providers and some schools offer sessional kindergarten.

See our page Other providers of funded kindergarten in Knox for these providers.

More information

Other important things to know about kindergarten include:

When your child is eligible to attend kindergarten

Eligibility for Three-Year-Old Kindergarten 

A child must be 3 years of age by April 30 in the year they attend a funded kindergarten service. 

It's important to note that a child must be 3 years of age, before starting 3-year-old kindergarten. If a child turns 3 years of age between the start of Term 1 and 30 April, families have the option of accepting a place and confirming that their child will start in Term 2.  Alternatively, a child can go on the waiting list and offered a place (if one is available) once the child turns 3.

Eligibility for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten

A child must be 4 years of age by April 30 in the year they attend a funded kindergarten service.

In Victoria, a child cannot attend more than one State Government funded Kindergarten program at the same time.

To check child age eligibility, use the calculator at Sending your child to kinder.

The Kinder Tick certification

The Kinder Tick makes it easy for you to find funded and approved kindergarten programs.

Victorian government approved kinder tick logo

When you see the Kinder Tick, you can be confident:

  • the program will be led by a qualified teacher
  • children will benefit from play-based learning
  • the kindergarten program is funded and approved by the Victorian Government
  • the program meets government guidelines and complies with the National Quality Framework.

Find out more about the Kinder Tick.

Choosing a kindergarten

When looking for education and care services for your child, we recommend you visit a number of centres before making your choice.

Here are some questions you might find helpful:

  • Does the centre have a Quality Improvement Plan?
  • Has the centre achieved accreditation?
  • Does the centre provide Child Care Subsidy (for Long Day and Occasional Care), if not, why?
  • What are the qualifications and experience of the staff?
  • Is there a variety of equipment and toys for the children?
  • Is the centre clean?
  • How many children attend the centre and how many children are in each room?
  • Is the centre a warm, safe and friendly environment where you would feel comfortable leaving your child?
Additional support at kindergarten

Additional resources and funding are available for:

  • children living with a disability
  • children with high medical needs

Children with disability and/or high medical needs

Kindergartens are able to apply for additional resources to assist with the inclusion of children with a disability and/or high medical needs.

These include:

Providing feedback on your kindergarten service

We’re committed to providing the best service possible to you and your family.

If you have any concerns about the education and care of your child, we recommend that you approach your child’s kindergarten educator.

If your concern or issue remains unresolved, you can call the kindergarten service provider.

Concerns related to the operation of the centre may also be raised with the:

  • Kindergarten’s team leaders, or
  • Department of Education and Training on 8392 9300.

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Email [email protected] and we will get back to you.

We aim to contact you within 3 business days after receiving your enquiry.

Or call our Kindergarten Services team on 9298 8000.

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