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Wantirna Recreation Reserve

Wantirna Recreation Reserve is part of Koomba Park, located on Mountain Highway in Wantirna.

About Wantirna Recreation Reserve

Wantirna Recreation Reserve is a popular community space. It features:

  • tennis courts
  • a hockey pitch
  • a scout hall
  • a shared pathway along Dandenong Creek
  • a playground
  • open grassed areas.

Community use

The reserve is popular with locals for informal use. Local residents and groups use it for:

  • informal activities
  • club meetings
  • group gatherings.

It's also home to:

  • Wantirna Tennis Club
  • Knox Hockey Club
  • 2nd Wantirna Scout Group
  • Australian Jazz Museum
  • Knox Athletics (cross country).

Construction completed in 2023

New hockey facility

The new hockey facility is open to the public and is home to the Knox Hockey Club. It features:

  • a synthetic FIH (International Federation) hockey field
  • player's and officials shelters
  • a grass viewing mound
  • fencing
  • energy efficient LED lights
  • solar panels for car park
  • outdoor drinking fountains
  • pathways
  • 2 accessible car spaces.
A blue hockey pitch surrounded by flood lights

Wantirna Reserve hockey pitch

Renewed tennis courts

We renewed 5 tennis courts in June 2023. Improvements include:

  • extended court dimensions to match current standards
  • new synthetic clay surface on a reinforced concrete base
  • drainage upgrades
  • new fencing
  • upgraded court lighting
  • new seating
  • upgraded adjoining concrete paved areas.
Fenced tennis courts with floodlights surrounded by trees

Wantirna Reserve tennis courts

Wantirna Reserve Masterplan

Council endorsed the Wantirna Reserve Masterplan in March 2024. The plan will guide future development, including:

  • new and improved paths
  • new dog park and upgraded playspace*
  • new and upgraded car parks
  • refurbished pavilion.

*This project is supported by the Victorian Government through the New and Upgraded Dog Parks Program.

We're preparing to implement Phase One of the Masterplan. This includes:

  • building a new dog park
  • upgrading the existing playspace
  • upgrading the existing car park and access road. 

Public consultation for the dog park and playspace design will start in November 2024.

We'll implement additional proposed items subject to future budget allocations in the Council Capital Works Program.

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