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Do I need a planning permit?

Find out if you need a planning permit for business, renovations, signage, tree removal, and more. Learn about exemptions and how to apply.

Planning permits

A planning permit is a legal document that approves the use and development of land. It ensures your project complies with local planning laws, zoning requirements, and government guidelines.

Local councils issue all planning permits.

Contact Planning Services to learn more about planning permits.

When you need a planning permit

Start a business

When starting a small business, it is likely that you will need a planning permit.

A home-based business is a job or business run from a home or its surrounding land by someone who lives there.

Home-based business activities must not negatively affect the area (e.g., through operating hours, smells, noise, or vehicle parking). The person running the business must also live in the home as their main residence.

A ‘home based business’ must meet the requirements of Clause 52.11 (Home Based Business) of the Knox Planning Scheme.

See our Home Based Business Handout for more information.

To find out about planning permits and requirements for small businesses, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Find out more about starting or expanding a business in Knox

Tree removal and pruning on private property

In certain areas a planning permit is required for removing, pruning, lopping or destroying native and exotic:

  • trees
  • shrubs
  • herbs
  • grasses
  • dead trees and vegetation

Find out more from our tree removal and pruning tree removal checklist.
For further advice and information, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Subdivide land

To subdivide land or a building you will need to apply for 2 kinds of permits:

  1. A permit for development (for example, constructing a second dwelling)
  2. A permit for subdivision of the land

In most cases you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. First apply for a planning permit for the development 
  2. Then, apply for a planning permit to subdivide land.

This will ensure that the land can be developed appropriately in the future.

Once the development permit is approved, you can lodge a separate permit application for the subdivision.

In some cases, you may choose to lodge both permits together. 

For more information about lodging permits, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Find out more about subdivisions

Multiple homes on a property

You need a permit to build more than one house on a block of land in a residential area.

For more information on permits required to build multiple homes on residential land, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Find out more about multi-unit developments

Single homes, renovations and extensions

In certain areas a planning permit for a single dwelling may be required for: 

  • construction
  • extensions 
  • additions 

You may need a planning permit depending on the size of your land, zoning rules or an overlay.

Find out more from our single dwelling and extensions checklist.

Your proposal may be able to be considered as a VicSmart Application.

If your land meets the following criteria, you don't need a planning permit.

  • In a residential zone
  • Area of 330m2 or more
  • No planning overlays
  • No covenants or restrictions on the Certificate of Title

For more information on planning permits required for single dwellings, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Check which overlays and zones apply to your land

Change the use of land or buildings

You may need a planning permit to change the way you use your land.

To find out more about planning permits required for changing the use of your land, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

See our change of use application checklist

Advertising signage

Advertising and promotional signs can be used to:

  • identify a business
  • promote an event
  • promote a product
  • provide information about a service

In most cases, signs require a planning permit and must meet the requirements of Clause 52.02 Signs in the Knox planning scheme. Signage is usually limited to what is needed to identify the business or activity on the site.

To find out more about planning permits required for displaying signs, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Reduce the required number of car spaces

Many land uses require a specific number of car spaces.

You’ll need a permit to reduce car parking spaces, even down to none. A traffic impact assessment might be required with your application.

Car parking areas and access ways must follow the design rules in the 

To find out more about planning permits required for reducing car spaces, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Develop on rural land

In most cases, you will require a planning permit to develop on rural land.

To find out more about planning permits for developing on rural land, book an appointment to talk to a planner.

Read our Knox Green Areas and Rural Strategy

Remove or vary a covenant or restriction

A restrictive covenant is a private agreement between landowners that limits how land can be used or developed.

The usual way to remove a covenant is by applying for a planning permit, but landowners should get legal advice to check if other options might work better. Removing covenants can be complex and involve property and planning laws.

For more information, visit the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Industrial or commercial use and development

A planning permit may be required for: 

  • the construction of buildings and works associated with industrial and commercial uses
  • to change the use from one industrial or commercial activity to another

All commercial and industrial applications must include a letter outlining:

  • the extent of the proposed works
  • the nature of the proposed activities (how you intend to use the land)
  • hours of operation
  • the potential impacts of the proposed use/development on the surrounding area (such as traffic, parking, fumes, noise).

Appropriate car parking must also be provided, as determined by Clause 52.06 of the Knox Planning Scheme.

Apply for industrial or commercial use and development

See our change of use application checklist

Do you need a permit?

Even if you don’t need a planning permit, you may still need a building permit.

Check our Do I need a building permit page for more information.

Need help?

Contact Planning Services and we will get back to you.

Or call our Planning Services team on 9298 8125.

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