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Planning fees

Planning permit application fees vary depending on the type of development you are undertaking.

Understanding the types of fees applicable to your application can be complicated. If you need assistance please call us on 9298 8000.

Planning permit fees

Find out about fees and charges related to planning permits and applications below.

These fees are current from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

You can also download the planning permit fees as a PDF document.

Change of use
(GST exempt)
Class 1 use only$1,453.40
Single dwelling

Development, or use and development and ancillary works for a single dwelling on a lot.

(GST exempt)
Class 2$10,000 or less
Does not apply to an application to remove/prune trees only - refer to 'Tree removal and pruning fees'
Class 3$10,000.01 to $100,000$694
Class 4$100,001 to $500,000$1,420.70
Class 5$500,000.01 to $1,000,000$1,535
Class 6$1,000,000.01 to $2,000,000*
More than $2,000,000 refer Class 13 to Class 16 under 'Other Development fees'

*A Metropolitan Planning Level Certificate must be submitted with an estimated cost of development in excess of the 2024-2025 threshold of $1,271,000 as stipulated by the State Revenue Office.  All enquires and more information, refer to Metropolitan Planning Levy.


This applies to Clause 92 - VicSmart applications only.

(GST exempt)
Class 7$10,000 or less
For tree removal/pruning, refer to 'Tree removal and pruning' fees
Class 8More than $10,000*$473.60
Class 9Subdivide or Consolidate$220.50
Class 10VicSmart applications other than Class 7, 8 or 9$220.50

* A Metropolitan Planning Levy Certificate must be submitted with an estimated cost of development in excess of the 2024-2025 threshold of $1,271,000 as stipulated by the State Revenue Office. All enquires and more information, refer to the Metropolitan Planning Levy.

Tree removal and pruning
(GST included)
Arborist Review Tree Removal$200
Arborist Review Tree Pruning$100
Other development fees (including unit developments)
(GST exempt)
Class 11$100,000 or less
Class 12$100,000.01 to $1,000,000$1,706.50
Class 13$1,000,000.01 to $5,000,000*$3,764.10
Class 14$5,000,000.01 to $15,000,000*$9,593.90
Class 15$15,000,000.01 to $50,000,000*$28,291.70
Class 16More than $50,000,000.01*$63,589
Class 22A permit not otherwise provided for in the Regulations – including signage$1,453.40
Combined planning permit applicationsSum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of each of the other feesRefer note

* A Metropolitan Planning Levy Certificate must be submitted with an estimated cost of development in excess of the 2023-2024 threshold of $1,207,000 as stipulated by the State Revenue Office. All enquires and more information, refer to the Metropolitan Planning Levy.

Amendments after notice (prior to decision) fees
 Fee (GST exempt)
Reg 12 (a)
Amend an application for a permit
40% of the fee for that Class
Reg 12 (b)
Amend an application to amend a permit
40% of the fee for that Class
Reg 12 (c)If the application to amend an application for a permit or amend an application to amend a permit results in a new Class of permit having a higher application fee, an additional fee bring the difference of the original class of application and the amended class of permit


Subdivision fees
(GST exempt)
Class 9VicSmart - Subdivide or Consolidate$220.50
Class 17To subdivide an existing building (other than VicSmart)$1,453.40
Class 18To subdivide land into two lots (other than VicSmart)$1,453.40
Class 19Realignment of common boundary or consolidate two or more lots$1,453.40
Class 20Subdivide land (other than VicSmart)*
$1,453.40 per 100 lots
Class 21Create, vary or remove a restriction,
create or remove a right of way or, vary or
remove a condition of an easement in a Crown grant
Reg 6For certification of a Plan of Subdivision$192.70
Reg 7Alteration of plan under Section 10(2) of the Act (prior to certification)$122.50
Reg 8Amendment of certified plan under Section 11(1) of the Act$122.50
Reg 9Checking of engineering pans0.75% of the estimated cost of construction
Reg 10Engineering Plan prepared by Council3.5% of the cost of works proposed in the engineering plans
Reg 11Supervision of works2.5% of the estimated cost of construction
Satisfaction of Responsible Authority
(GST exempt)
Reg 18Determination to the satisfaction of Council$359.30
Amendment to existing planning permit (Under Section 72)

Permit Amendments

(GST exempt)
Class 1Amendment to a permit to change the use or allow a new use on the land$1,453.40
Class 2Amendment to change what the permit allows or conditions (other than a single dwelling per lot)$1,453.40

Single Dwelling

Amendment to development, or use and development and ancillary works for a single dwelling on a lot - if the estimated cost of any additional development by the amendment is:

(GST exempt)
Class 3$10,000 or less$220.50
Class 4More than $10,000 and not more than $100,000$694
Class 5More than $100,000 and not more than $500,000$1,420.70
Class 6$500,000 and above$1,535


(GST exempt)
Class 7Estimated cost of any additional development is $10,000 or less$220.50
Class 8Estimated cost of any additional development is $10,000 or more$473.60
Class 9Amendment to VicSmart Class 9 Permit (subdivide or consolidate land)$220.50
Class 10Amendment to VicSmart Class 10 Permit (other than a Class 7, 8 or 9 permit)$220.50

Other Development

If the estimated cost of any additional development by the amendment is:

(GST exempt)
Class 11$100,000 or less$1,265.60
Class 12More than $100,000 and not more than $1,000,000$1,706.50
Class 13$1,000,000 and above$3,764.10


(GST exempt)
Class 14To subdivide an existing building (other than VicSmart)$1,453.40
Class 15To subdivide land into two lots (other than VicSmart)$1,453.40
Class 16Realignment of common boundary or consolidate two or more lots$1,453.40
Class 17Subdivide land (other than a VicSmart)$1,453.40
per 100 lots
Class 18Create, vary or remove a restriction, create or remove a right of way or, vary or remove a condition of an easement in a Crown grant$1,453.40
Class 19A permit not otherwise provided for in the Regulations – including signage$1,453.40

Combined Applications

Combined application to amend a permitSum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of each of the other fees (excludes certification and compliance)

Planning Fees

Secondary consent and extension of time fees
Secondary consent request$46010%
Extension of time$31510%
Extension of time for permit for three or more dwellings$80010%
Extension of time for permit for tree removal/pruning permit$10010%
Section 173 agreement
Reg 16: For an agreement to end/amend a Section 173 Agreement$726.70Exempt

Preparation of Section 173 Agreements:

S173 Agreements are prepared through Jackson Lane Legal, Maddocks, Planology, with payment direct to Jackson Lane Legal/Maddocks/Planology

Applicable lawyer’s fee10%
Certificate of compliance fee
(GST exempt)
Reg 15: Certificate of compliance$359.30
(GST exempt)
Works bond (refundable)

150% of estimated costs of works.

Min bond amount $7,000 for incomplete works bond and $3,000 for maintenance bond

Landscape bond-private land (refundable)

Bond fee may be increased based on the extent of landscaping works required to be undertaken and maintained

(GST 10%)
Fee to process bonds for uncompleted works bonds, landscaping bonds and maintenance bonds$460
Administration fee to provide bond quote for uncompleted works$140
Open space contributionUp to 8.5% of the land or equivalent valueExempt
Street tree contributionAssessment is to be completed to calculate costing, or refer to permit10%
Net gain contributionFramework assessment is to be completed to calculate costing ($47 per plant/tree)10%
Revegetation contributionFramework assessment is to be completed to calculate costing10%
Advertising (public notification) fees
Public Notice sign for displaying on site$260 per site10%
10 or less mail notices$23010%
11 to 50 mail notices$230 for 10 mail notices and
$18 for each additional notice
51 to 100 mail notices$1,17510%
101 or more mail notices$2,56010%
Mail notices greater than 200$3,22510%
Pre-application request fee
(GST 10%)
Pre-application request$325
Planning information request fee
(GST 10%)
Planning information request - Standard letter request for planning information$105
Planning file search request fees
(GST 10%)

File search (residential)

Fee is per file number and properties may have multiple files which requires separate requests for each file.


File search (commercial)

Each fee covers up to two permits & a copy of endorsed plans per file. 

Any further permits and/or plans (within each file) will incur a cost of $17 per document.

Planning historical residential search (permit listing)$95
Planning historical commercial search (permit listing)$300
Photocopying and other fees
(GST 10%)
Dishonoured cheque fee$44
A4 or A3 per copy$5
A2 per copy$8.50
A1 per copy$10.50
A0 per copy$14.50
Amendment to planning scheme fees

Stage 1

Paid to Knox City Council by the person requesting an amendment, at the time of making the request.


Consisting of:

(a) considering a request to amend a planning scheme; and

(b) taking action required by Division 1 of Part 3 of the Act; and

(c) considering any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment; and

(d) if applicable, abandoning the amendment


Stage 2

Paid to Knox City Council by the person who requested the amendment, before Council considers the submissions.


Consisting of:

(a) for considering:

(i) up to and including 10 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; or

(ii) 11 to (and including) 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; or$33,313.20
(iii) Submissions that exceed 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment, and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; and$44,531.90

(b) providing assistance to a panel in accordance with section 158 of the Act; and

(c) making a submission to a panel appointed under Part 8 of the Act at a hearing referred to in section 24(b) of the Act; and

(d) considering the panel's report in accordance with section 27 of the Act; and

(e) after considering submissions and the panel's report, abandoning the amendment.


Stage 3

Paid to Knox City Council by the person who requested the amendment, before Council adopts the amendment.


Consisting of:

(a) adopting the amendment or part of the amendment in accordance with section 29 of the Act; and

(b) submitting the amendment for approval by the Minister in accordance with section 31 of the Act; and

(c) giving the notice of the approval of the amendment required by section 36(2) of the Act.


Stage 4

Paid to The Minister for Planning.


Consisting of:

(a) consideration by the Minister of a request to approve the amendment in accordance with section 35 of the Act; and

(b) giving notice of approval of the amendment in accordance with section 36(1) of the Act


Reg 7

Paid to The Minister for Planning.

For requesting the Minister prepare an amendment exempted from Section 20(4)$4,409.10


Combined planning permit application and planning scheme amendmentSum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of each of the other fees

In accordance with the Monetary Units Act 2004, the fee unit for the 2024-25 financial year is: $16.33 and rounded to nearest .10c

Community infrastructure levy

A community infrastructure levy is a financial contribution provided by developers towards new community infrastructure in growth area developments. Council does not charge a community infrastructure levy.

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