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Litter and dumped rubbish

Knox City Council removes dumped rubbish from Council land such as roads, nature strips, reserves and Council car parks.

Report dumped rubbish

Please lodge a report online or call us on 9298 8000, if you:

  • wish to report rubbish dumped anywhere on Council land. This includes reserves and Council carparks.
  • see someone dumping rubbish and you can identify the person.

We aim to inspect reports within 3 business days.

After the inspection, we aim to remove the dumbed rubbish within 5 business days.  If required, we will undertake an investigation.

We prioritise the removal of dumped rubbish based on risk to safety.

Reporting rubbish on roads or nature strips

Before reporting dumped rubbish on a road or nature strip you need to clarify whether VicRoads or Council is responsible for the road.

Council has responsibility for local and non-arterial roads. VicRoads looks after our major arterial roads.

If rubbish has been dumped on a major arterial road, contact VicRoads on 13 11 70.

You can report dumped rubbish on all other roads by contacting Customer Service on 9298 8000.

Remember that rubbish on a nature strip may be out for a hard waste collection.

Reporting litter

If you see someone littering from a vehicle or near the vehicle they are using, you can report it online to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

Need help?

Contact us and we will come back to you.

Or call our Customer Services team on 9298 8000.

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