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Animals, extreme heat and emergencies

Your pets and livestock are your responsibility. Failing to care for an animal, particularly in vehicles, is an offence under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

It is important to know how to keep animals safe in hot weather, and how to manage animals in an emergency. 


Prevent heat stress for animals

During the summer months take extra care to keep pets and animals comfortable at all times.

  • Never leave your pet in a car on a hot day.
  • Walk dogs in the cooler parts of the day.
  • All pets must be provided with cool and shaded areas.
  • Ensure your pets have plenty of water available to them at all times. This should be a few days supply in case of emergency.
  • An animal in discomfort can be lightly sprayed with water. If concerned, contact a vet as soon as possible.

Managing animals in an emergency

Plan ahead and prepare for the safety and welfare of your pets, livestock or other animals. Do this well before a natural hazard affects your home, farm or property.

This may depend on whether you intend to stay or leave.

What to include in an emergency plan

Create an emergency plan to cater for bushfire, flood or severe storms. 

Learn how to prepare an emergency plan for your pets.

Make sure all your contact numbers and details are up to date. Your animals should have a:

  • collar and name tag
  • microchip or brand
  • Council registration tags
  • any stock registers (for livestock).

Include the following numbers in your emergency plan:

  • your vet
  • local animal welfare agencies
  • pet information and advisory services
  • help for injured or trapped native animals
  • Council details.

Act safely

Remember, your safety and that of your family is paramount.

Don't risk human life trying to find and protect pets.

Need help?

Contact us and we will get back to you.

Or call our Community Laws department on 9298 8000.

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