About the service
The home maintenance service handles minor tasks such as the replacement of:
- light globes
- tap washers
- smoke detectors
- gutter cleaning.
You can also get minor repairs on things such as windows, doors, handles.
It does not cover jobs that require the skills of a qualified tradesperson, such as a plumber or electrician.
Please note that the service does not include any:
- gardening
- lawn mowing
- window cleaning.
We have a separate service for more complex home modifications. These require a specialised functional assessment to be carried out by an occupational therapist.
Fees for these services are based on the household income and vary for each service/resident. Fees will be discussed with you before any service is provided.
Download the Commonwealth Home Support Program Fees 2024 to 2025.
No payment is needed on the day of service – we send you an account every 4 weeks.
IKON Property Services
Knox City Council currently uses the services of IKON Property Services for all home maintenance requests.
Council provides job details to IKON. They will call to make a convenient appointment time. You will be given a morning or afternoon timeslot, not a specific time.
During peak times, some services like gutter cleaning will have a wait time.
Access these services
You can access these services via My Aged Care.
Call them on 1800 200 422 and they will assess your eligibility over the phone and/or organise an in-home assessment.
For more information, see My Aged Care.
My Aged Care also provides information in other languages.
Translation and Interpreter Services are available by calling 131 450 (TIS National). Ask TIS to telephone Knox City Council on (03) 9298 8000.
This service is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Residents can nominate a trusted person, friend or family member, or a professional to act on their behalf when they feel unable to express their views independently.
Need help?
Contact us and we will get back to you.
We aim to contact you within 5 business days after receiving your enquiry.
Or call our Customer Services team on 9298 7373.