Food and garden service
We have introduced a new food and garden service.
From July 2023, every household in Knox will have a food and garden bin.
In addition to your weekly food and garden bin collection, households can also make use of a fortnightly collection of bundled branches and owner containers.
When to put them out
Your bundled branches and containers are collected on the same day each fortnight as your household rubbish bin.
Make sure you put your bundled branches and containers out before 6 am on collection day.
To check when your collection day is:
Bundled branches

You can put out bundles of branches and prunings for collection.
Make sure you put bundles out before 6am on collection day.
Work Safe regulations mean that branches must be bundled and tied for safe collection.
Bundles must:
- be tied with natural twine or string that can be bought from hardware stores
- measure no more than 30 cm in diameter
- measure no more than 1.5 m in length
- weigh no more than 30 kg.
Any untied bundles or branches (single or multiple) will not be collected.
If your bundled waste collection is missed, call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.
Owner containers

You can put your green waste in your own container as long as it:
- is a rigid container
- holds less than 55 litres
- weighs less than 30 kg
- is not any type of bag, including collapsible or stand-up bags
- is not a wheelie bin
- does not contain food scraps
Make sure you put containers out before 6 am on collection day.
We return your green waste containers to your nature strip after collection.
If your owner container collection is missed, call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.
Need help?
Contact us and we will get back to you.
Or call our Customer Service team on 9298 8000.