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Knox Municipal Development Contributions Plan (Amendment C186knox)

A Development Contributions Plan (DCP) is a mechanism within the Planning and Environment Act 1987 that enables councils to collect levies from new development towards the cost of infrastructure.

About Knox Municipal DCP

Knox City Council prepared the draft Knox Municipal DCP, which was informed by various Council plans and strategies, as well as Council’s Capital Works Program and Long Term Financial Forecast.

The draft DCP was prepared to ensure the cost of delivering infrastructure is apportioned on a fair and reasonable basis between existing and new development.

About the Amendment

The proposed Amendment sought to apply DCP levies to new developments proposing to increase the number of dwellings and/or commercial, retail or industrial floor area.

In accordance with Council’s resolution from the 21 September 2020 Council meeting, officers requested authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Amendment C186knox to the Knox Planning Scheme to implement the DCP.

In April 2021, Council received conditional authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Amendment C186knox to implement the DCP.

To satisfy the conditions of authorisation, further investigation was carried out including reviewing the DCP infrastructure projects, further consultation, financial remodelling, expert advice and risk assessment of the revised DCP. This investigation concluded that the revised DCP does not present a strong case for the amendment to be pursued at this point in time

At its meeting on 28 August 2023, Council resolved to authorise officers to formally withdraw Amendment C186knox. The amendment was subsequently withdrawn pursuant to the resolution.

Further information about this decision is provided in the Council meeting minutes from 28 August 2023.

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