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Objecting to a planning application

Council may advertise planning applications before making a decision on the application.

If you have feedback or do not support a planning permit application, you can lodge an objection online.

How to object

Many planning applications need to be advertised. Council uses a Notice of Application to do this. Find out more about how we advertise a planning application.  

Before objecting, look closely at the advertising documents so you clearly understand the proposal.

You can view plans and supporting documents for planning applications which are being advertised online.

Objecting on your own

You must give us your objection in writing, including your:

  • name
  • address
  • reasons for your objection
  • how you would be affected.

If your objection does not include this information, it will not be processed.

Council may reject an objection if its main aim is to get or keep a commercial advantage, either directly or indirectly.

Using a petition to object

Petitions count as one objection, regardless of how many people sign it.

On every page of the petition people sign, include:

  • the reasons for the objection
  • how people would be affected.

Choose one person as the lead petitioner, otherwise the first person listed will be nominated the lead petitioner. They will be the contact person for all correspondence.

Council will not write to each person who signs the petition.

Submit an objection

After you've read the advertising material for the application you can submit your objection.

Submit your objection online

You can also lodge your objection at our Building and Planning Counter, or by post to:

Council's Planning Department
511 Burwood Highway
Wantirna South, VIC 3152.

Council will write to you to let you know we've received your objection.

Objection timeframes

An objection should be submitted by the date on a Notice of Application, which may have been sent to you or displayed by a yellow notice on the site.

However, Council must consider any objections received before a decision has been made.

Viewing an objection

Council must make all objections available for inspection before a decision is made.

This must be during normal office hours and free of charge.

This is to allow for consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

This process is in accordance with the Victorian State Government’s Availability of Planning Documents Practice Note 2022.

Your privacy

Council can only consider your objection or let you know of our decision or any future action if you provide your name and address.

Making a decision

Council will let all objectors know our decision.

If we support the application, we'll send you a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit.

If you're unhappy with the decision, you can appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in the set timeframe.

If we refuse the application, we'll send you a Notice of Refusal.

In this case, the permit applicant can appeal the decision. You can find the review procedures on the back of the Notice of Decision.

Need help?

Contact Planning Services and we will get back to you.

Or call our Planning team on 9298 8000.

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